Attn: Rjh90210


New member
Attn: RJH90210

I was just thinking to myself yesterday, "I wonder if that fucker has left us for good" and now you show up.

Looking swole in the avatar man. Hope life is treating you well. You still down in the ATL?
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mranak said:
I was just thinking to myself yesterday, "I wonder if that fucker has left us for good" and now you show up.

Looking swole in the avatar man. Hope life is treating you well. You still down in the ATL?

yeah, Heather (madine) and I are doing well. She's trying to break into the fitness modeling thing (new site coming soon, but you can check out for now), and I, like a dumbass, decided to try and do a BBing comp. Have a show in GA in 6 weeks. And yes, we are still here in ATL.

I still lurk around now and again, but just don't post much.
RJH90210 said:
...I, like a dumbass, decided to try and do a BBing comp. Have a show in GA in 6 weeks.
Lots of respect to anyone that competes and takes it seriously.
RJH90210 said:
mranak said:
Lots of respect to anyone that competes and takes it seriously.
well, that last part may be a stretch, but thanks bro.
You've got a Speedo on in your avatar. Either you are really taking this thing seriously or you are a fag. I'm assuming the former.
mranak said:
You've got a Speedo on in your avatar. Either you are really taking this thing seriously or you are a fag. I'm assuming the former.

i just meant by not being all competitive and shit retard. :D
RJH90210 said:
i just meant by not being all competitive and shit retard. :D
Here I am trying to be nice. Maybe I'm not very good at that.

Anyway, the best of luck. You've certainly transformed yourself these past few years.
mranak said:
Here I am trying to be nice. Maybe I'm not very good at that.

Anyway, the best of luck. You've certainly transformed yourself these past few years.

haha, i was just busting balls mranak. i know you love me, as I do you.

thanks to both of you. just been trying to handle not being able to eat pizza and burgers.

here's a little bigger shot of that avi.

thanks again. 6 weeks to go.
Looking good for real though. I just went to a NPC nationals qualifier. It was pretty sick, a couple guys from my gym competed, and one guy from my previous gym (university gym) took the entire show. It was held in Syracuse NY. Phil Heath guest posed, it was just cool all around.

Is your show an NPC nationals qualifier?
DougoeFre5h said:
Looking good for real though. I just went to a NPC nationals qualifier. It was pretty sick, a couple guys from my gym competed, and one guy from my previous gym (university gym) took the entire show. It was held in Syracuse NY. Phil Heath guest posed, it was just cool all around.

Is your show an NPC nationals qualifier?

Thanks Dougoe.

yep, the NPC Georgia. but you know I could care less about all that jazz. I'm not a competitor by nature, that's Heather's deal. I am just ready to start eating again. Its so much easier just being semi-lean and big as fuck. i will hit 265-270 this winter no problem. or a nice lean, GH taking, hard as nails big as fuck 250lbs. lol

But it is cool to see what has been hiding under all this shit i have been busting my ass for the last three years.
who was it that said you couldnt add significant quality muscle a few years ago at your stage of lifting? some guy from this board, one of the bbing gurus. guess he was wrong and is lost whoever it was.

lookin good bubba. amazing what lots of clean food and heavey core movements can do.
pullinbig said:
who was it that said you couldnt add significant quality muscle a few years ago at your stage of lifting? some guy from this board, one of the bbing gurus. guess he was wrong and is lost whoever it was.

lookin good bubba. amazing what lots of clean food and heavey core movements can do.

you know its funny, cause him and I talked about that, and his original comments about me back then. And laughed about how I look now based on what he thought back then. Whats ironic is he is NOW my contest prep guy, and he is doing great.

but my main reason and ability for being able to put on all this weight was primarily because of the guidance you gave me John. Those two years really shaped what I look like today. Thanks a ton brother. One of these days we'll get out and buy you dinner!!:D
RJH90210 said:
you know its funny, cause him and I talked about that, and his original comments about me back then. And laughed about how I look now based on what he thought back then. Whats ironic is he is NOW my contest prep guy, and he is doing great.

but my main reason and ability for being able to put on all this weight was primarily because of the guidance you gave me John. Those two years really shaped what I look like today. Thanks a ton brother. One of these days we'll get out and buy you dinner!!:D

small world........ tell whoever it is i said hello. :D

one of these day's, after i get done with my pling stuff, im gonna diet down into contest shape just to see what an old powerlifter looks like all purdy and stuff.

ill take you up on the meal........ sushi it is and lots of it!!!!!!!!!!!!