Austinite's Fat Loss Stack

Yea, 3J is taking over my diet really soon, I fear a rude awakening. Just kidding bout the egg shells. Hope they don't modify the stack!!! Love your articles, I've learned a lot in my short time here. Thanks!!!
Sorry guys. Too many things effect the result. I really want to eliminate any chance of a poor review due to something I have not researched.

If you want to succeed as I did and many others, use my stack and only my stack. It's really all that it's about. No need to walk on eggshells, just take my advice, or do whatever you like but please, do not review it as "Austinite's stack". Review it as your own. I'm very proud of this stack. Hope you understand.

I'm on eggshells asking this now....

I really want to try your fat-burning stack whilst running a cutting cycle in the spring of next year and I am already sourcing and ordering the ingredients as we speak...

I also at some stage want to try your vascularity stack, as I love the vascular look when I lean out...

But I'm guessing that the ingredients in the vascularity stack may clash with the other ingredients, and affect the desired results?

I know this may be becoming tiresome Austin - but my intentions are good here - I just need your expertise :worried:
I do not recommend any type of stimulant to be added to the stack. I can't support anything other than the stack. There are too many stimulants out there and I have not studied all of them. If it's not a stimulant it should be fine. But should not be reviewed as my stack.

Hope that helps, ben.
I do not recommend any type of stimulant to be added to the stack. I can't support anything other than the stack. There are too many stimulants out there and I have not studied all of them. If it's not a stimulant it should be fine. But should not be reviewed as my stack.

Hope that helps, ben.

Yep, that helps a lot... I'll run your vascularity stack from now up until commencing the cutting cycle and then switch to the 30 on, 7 off, fat burning stack whilst 'on'....

Thanks again Austin... it's worth asking, just to see another picture of Dana whenever you reply :naughty:
I tried but I couldn't place my order because of where I was living.
Then I checked drug stores here and there was nothing.
Bro check I got all of my supplements today off of there. And they ship internationally!!
I tried but I couldn't place my order because of where I was living.
Then I checked drug stores here and there was nothing.
Bro check I got all of my supplements today off of there. And they ship internationally!!
Austin I know your stack says not to add anything to it while taking the 3 supps, but I do have a BIG question.

I had Clenbuterol on order before I found out about this stack and I was wondering if I can take the Clenbuterol with the Chromium and EGCG instead of using the Synephrine? If not thats ok, but I'd rather not shelf the Clenbuterol since I heard such good results come from it with proper diet. I also don't want to neglect your stack so I'm hanging on the fence right now.
Is there an easy way for us junior scientists to know what is considered a stimulant and what is not? I guess, for me, I'd be curious if caffeine would be a stimulant? Not in pill form but like caffeinated coffee or diet caffeinated drinks? I think it may be of help to maybe get a list going of what not to use when on the stack so feedback would be better. I, myself think it is very kind of you to even offer up a "trial" to us before It's published. Thank you for that.
I've been on the forums(although) not this one for a very longtime & don't remember anyone being so touchy about something. "Can, I take my insulin shots, I'm diabetic?" Response "No, get the hell out of here, if you take insulin it's not Austinite's(TM) stack, so back off and get out of here, I have important work to do!".
Yeah going forward I won't be answering any modification questions. Sorry guys.

NP I was just curious. I'll stick with just your stack. I wasn't trying to change t and still call it your stack, was just curious about the effects of taking clen with the other two supplements.
Don't MODIFY the stack and call it his stack.
Wasn't trying to do this ^, was trying to see if there would be any bad sides for running something with the other two products. I understand you can't change someones product and still try and make it theirs cause they don't know about or haven't tested it the way you are asking. I just wanted to make sure my heart isn't going to explode, or i die at the gym cause I'm running something that doesn't agree with the other. I decided I'm going to just run the stack for now till the supps run out then run Clen for its duration with my diet.

When you hear good things about two programs you don't usually want to quit one for the other thats why I was curious.
I'm sure you get this a lot, but it seems like you have a rough go sometimes having a lot of knowledge on specific subjects due to your endless amounts of research and experiences.
But, just want to say thank you for the work you put in. I know i've had dumb questions but for the most part, just reading your threads or answers you have given have given me the knowledge to know what/when I will do my 1st cycle if and when I choose to do one, so...Thank you!
Wasn't trying to do this ^, was trying to see if there would be any bad sides for running something with the other two products. I understand you can't change someones product and still try and make it theirs cause they don't know about or haven't tested it the way you are asking. I just wanted to make sure my heart isn't going to explode, or i die at the gym cause I'm running something that doesn't agree with the other. I decided I'm going to just run the stack for now till the supps run out then run Clen for its duration with my diet.

When you hear good things about two programs you don't usually want to quit one for the other thats why I was curious.

It is quite comical actually... cos everyone wants to try the fat-burning stack, but the reason we are finding it so tough to do, is because we are all already taking heaps of stuff!!! Therefore to try his stack as it should be tried, theoretically we will have to stop taking all the stuff we are currently taking... and that isn't easy!

I can see Austin's point - but I can also sympathise with every single person who has posed a question...

Consider the particular question I posed earlier.... I am keen to try Austinite's vascularity stack whilst cutting - for obvious reasons... nothing looks better than a roadmap of healthy veins covering a lean, hard body of muscle - they go hand in hand really...

In an ideal scenario, I would combine his vascularity stack with his fat-burning stack and get the best of both worlds... but I guess it aint as simple as that... because the ingredients of one stack, would be detrimental to the effects of the other...

Then there are other factors that come into play... I will be using 'Var whilst cutting... now this has always given me great vascularity in the past... now I have no idea whether this compound will effect the fat-burning stack, but I guess it gives me good reason not to run the vascularity stack - no need really!

At the end of the day, these are all just supplements and compounds and can be used as anyone so wishes... with varying results... but if you DO choose to mix them here and there and make your own assortments - just don't go back to Austin(ite) later complaining about your results...

I for one, am extremely grateful to him for passing on his experience and knowledge - I'll learn from it and experiment with it myself... I've already totally redesigned my daily supplementation protocol after reading his advice - and I'm sure there are many other members already reaping the rewards of his postings...

Be healthy
BigBen :)

I was wondering if you think this stack would be any more/less effective while running a keto diet?

Sure it would. It should amplify any decent diet. Not sure I can quantify it, but you should certainly notice improvement in comparison with your last keto experience.
Austin, last question I swear...

I've been researching synephrine non-stop lately in my free time, and I ran across a study (which I'm sure you read lol) that suggested the flavonoids hesperidin and naringin help to potentiate the thermogenic effects of synephrine. The study claims that these flavonoids aid in insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, and prevent triglyceride accumulation. These sound like some bs herbal supplement claims but I was wondering what your thoughts were on them?

Here's the link by the way.