Avoiding Overkill (3rd Cycle Planning)


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Hey all.

23, 180 lbs, 5'11", just under 15% bf.

Cycle History
1st: Oral Only, SDMZ 2.0

Test E 500mg/week 1-9
Superdrol 20mg/day week 1-4
AI .5mg E3D
Hcg 500iu/week throughout
Pct was clomid 50mg/day for 4 weeks

Gained significantly on my second cycle, was a bloated 205 at completion in August.
Dieted down poorly initially, got nutritional coaching 3 weeks ago and am currently cutting on 2100 calories a day (40c/35p/25f). Fasting cardio at 30 min/day was added last week, along with 40mcg clenbuterol daily.

Planning on cutting to 10% (170 lbs) and then starting my 3rd cycle by January.

Gear already on hand, along with all ancillaries.

Initially planning on:

Test E 500mg weeks 1-14
Deca 400mg weeks 1-12
Dbol 50mg weeks 1-6
AI .5mg eod
Hcg 500iu weeks 1-14
With clomid/nolva for pct

But wondering if I could gain just as well running Test/dbol with my new and improved diet. No point in shooting a cannon when all you need is a pistol, right?

Looking forward to all comments/critiques/etc.
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Too young. Brain / Endocrine System are not done developing until age 25. Hold off and wait until you are ready.

I really doubt he's going to stop at this point. Considering his past cycles, how he feels about his results, and the fact that he's using a compound to cut with also.. probably not gonna stop now.

I totally get the point your were making Mega, and I know that's the best thing he could do. I just think with everything he said taken into account, a link to a few helpful stickys may have been a good idea in case he doesn't care. Cause just maybe, he would read and at least approach his cycles more safely if he was stubborn about waiting till 25.
With that being said, here's a couple links. Read them all and really take a step back and decide what to do.




EDIT : http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...s/2707-blood-testing-necessity-aas-usage.html

Had to add that one also. Get bloods done before during and after cycle. You need to know where you stand at all times and how these compounds effect your system.
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I really doubt he's going to stop at this point. Considering his past cycles, how he feels about his results, and the fact that he's using a compound to cut with also.. probably not gonna stop now.

I totally get the point your were making Mega, and I know that's the best thing he could do. I just think with everything he said taken into account, a link to a few helpful stickys may have been a good idea in case he doesn't care. Cause just maybe, he would read and at least approach his cycles more safely if he was stubborn about waiting till 25.

The stickies are there for everyone to read and the first thing that one sees upon navigating the forums. I don't feel that it is my responsibility to help someone run a cycle when he is too young regardless of what his intentions may be. Should I help a 14 year old boy who has run 3 cycles already and is dead set on running another?
The stickies are there for everyone to read and the first thing that one sees upon navigating the forums. I don't feel that it is my responsibility to help someone run a cycle when he is too young regardless of what his intentions may be. Should I help a 14 year old boy who has run 3 cycles already and is dead set on running another?

That is totally an unfair comparison. A 14 year old boy is not an adult. A 23 year old is an adult, capable of making adult decisions on his own.
That is totally an unfair comparison. A 14 year old boy is not an adult. A 23 year old is an adult, capable of making adult decisions on his own.

I get where your coming from, but Mega's bang on. Mental maturity plays a big role in making decisions like this, and one can change drastically from age 23 - 25. I know I did!
That is totally an unfair comparison. A 14 year old boy is not an adult. A 23 year old is an adult, capable of making adult decisions on his own.

Doesn't mean I have to help him make a bad choice when I know his brain is not done developing yet. Just like I would help a person still going through puberty.
The stickies are there for everyone to read and the first thing that one sees upon navigating the forums. I don't feel that it is my responsibility to help someone run a cycle when he is too young regardless of what his intentions may be. Should I help a 14 year old boy who has run 3 cycles already and is dead set on running another?

14 or not.. if the persons going to do it, they're going to do it. Telling them they aren't mature enough and need to be 25 will do nothing but get them to hit up another site.
Don't get me wrong, if they listen that's cool, if they don't though, well, you did nothing to help anything at all. Not even offer advice on diet or training..

I understand your a mod and have authority on here and stuff.. But honestly, a more inviting approach may save someones nuts before telling them their too young and immature.
14 or not.. if the persons going to do it, they're going to do it. Telling them they aren't mature enough and need to be 25 will do nothing but get them to hit up another site.
Don't get me wrong, if they listen cool, if they don't, well, you did nothing to help anything at all. Not even offer advice on diet or training..

I understand your a mod and have authority on here and stuff.. But honestly, a more inviting approach may save someones nuts before telling them their too young and immature.

I cannot in good conscience help a 14 year old kid use AAS even if I cannot stop him from doing it.
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Doesn't mean I have to help him make a bad choice when I know his brain is not done developing yet. Just like I would help a person still going through puberty.

I never said you did. I just made a point of saying that is not a fair comparison. It's your choice whether you want to help or not.

But he has already cycled and doesn't look like he will be stopping. So you could have made your point and then helped him do what he is going to do anyway in the safest manner.
I cannot in good conscience help a 14 year old kid use AAS even if I cannot stop him from doing it.

I seriously never said to help a 14 y.o. use AAS.. Just to maybe be more inviting in other manners. So they don't seek help elsewhere and the community here would have a better shot at leading an individual down a lighter path until they're ready.

If they leave this site, we did nothing for that individual but get them to search for someone who is willing to help.

In this case, the dudes 23.. he's done cycles and doesn't seem like he's going to stop. At least guide him to articles that might help him. If the individual was 14, the approach would obviously be totally different...
op when did you hit and finish puberty? also when did you take your first cycle (age) also when did you reach full grown in terms of height?
also what do you do for work? did you go to college? there are so many things that have to do with brain development. just trying to help you out. all information you can give would be great.
Not trying to cause a flame war between mods and vets.

I honestly thought 23 was the recommended age... When I was 17 I looked into cycling, and heard at least 21. Then when I was 21 I heard 23.

Did my first cycle (the SDMZ) at 22...

I'm fully capable of waiting another year, I just question the necessity.

I'm a college graduate, worked 2 dead end jobs for a year, and started medical school in August. I intend to have a long fulfilling career, so if I can find conclusive proof that steroids will negatively impact that, I am capable of abstaining. It's just not what I want to do.

School is long and taxing. Meal prep and the gym are the highlights of my days.

Started puberty on the later side, think I was 13, almost 14. Was done growing by 17, at least in terms of height. I'm shorter than my brother, for whatever reason I think my estrogen went high (I remember having a lump under my right nipple) and I assume my growth plates closed early.

Pre test E cycle bloods at the end of May, Test was 767 ng/dl.
On cycle bloods were fine, and I am at the student wellness center as I type this to get bloods drawn again,

I believe I am mentally ready, it's just the physical aspect that makes me question it.
I searched pubmed for articles linking early usage to later problems, but had no luck.
The hard facts are: crack on and cycle at your own risk... but don't expect a well-respected moderator of a site that prides itself on the safe and constructive use of AAS to back you up or offer you any help. He is doing the right thing by warning you off, so don't flame the guy for watching your back.

The stickies are there if you choose not to take his advice.
awesome thank you for all the information. i was pretty much the exact same even med school which is crazy. i did my first cycle at 22 in my first year of med school then did about 1 every year and half to two years for a while. you hit puberty at a good time and finished growing before 20 and the fact that you are intelligent. i would say your endocrine system is mostly if not fully developed already because pre med programs are never easy. i would say go for of course be careful make sure pct and ai are correct and don't over due it. working out and everything helped get me through med school it was always a way to release the long stressful days.
just to add one more thing. its all about how your body and mind feel. i was very mature when i graduated college i worked my way through college and always did well in my classes so i would say if you fell mentally you are mature which i would guess you are since you are in med school program. so keep up the hard work and try not to get to worn down in your program.