Axio Duraplex

Wow axio is fantastic stuff! Just got on their sustaplex and tren, very smooth very nice gains. Best stuff I've ever used, won't use anything else from now on.
I'm 26 248 lbs about 10%bf. 4th cycle. I have about a month off left so I won't be starting for a little while. Still putting it together. I have a lot of test e so I will probably throw that in with it and just kickstart/finish with prop.
I'm gonna inject every other day. All compounds.
1-4 Prop 450 week
1-8 Test E 600 week
1-10 1-10 NPP 500 week
8-10 Prop 450 week(I like to finish with Prop so I can go out with a bang and jump right into post cycle therapy (pct))
Aromasin 12.5 ed
hcg 250 X2 week
post cycle therapy (pct)
Clomid 100, 50, 50, 50
Aromasin will go right through post cycle therapy (pct) at 12.5 as well

I would run it longer than ten weeks but I will be starting a contest prep 10 weeks after this cycle and I want to make sure I am fully recovered in time to start back up.

Thanks for the posts guys. Never ran NPP so I'm pumped!
Thanks guys....I posted what my cycle will consist of, but it said it had to be approved by the mods before it would be posted. Hopefully it will be up soon.
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Also pct will start 3 days after last inj. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will run weeks 3-8. And how could I forget about my 6iu of gh 5 days a week!
Also post cycle therapy (pct) will start 3 days after last inj. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will run weeks 3-8. And how could I forget about my 6iu of gh 5 days a week!

Are you running the HGH from Axio?
According to my Dr. there is no reason to not use GH everyday. The whole 6 days on, 1 off or 5 days on, 2 off is hogwash. Just some food for thought.

Whats his belief then? How does he recomend taking it? I'm very curious.
According to my Dr. there is no reason to not use GH everyday. The whole 6 days on, 1 off or 5 days on, 2 off is hogwash. Just some food for thought.

I've been hearing a lot of that lately too. How many iu's everyday? When do you guys take it?
Whats his belief then? How does he recomend taking it? I'm very curious.

He says you should be using it ED... Unlike Testosterone supplementation you can use it for 10 years straight and your body will rebound immediately after discontinuation.

I've been hearing a lot of that lately too. How many iu's everyday? When do you guys take it?

If you were planning on running it at 30iu's/week, why not just keep the dose ~ the same and run it at 5iu's/day instead.

I think most people run it 5 on 2 off or 6 on 1 off simply in order to save money while running a rather expensive compound.
Thats what I thought you were gonna say. Thats the way I will run mine in a few months. Thanks bro