B-D brand pinz


Community Veteran
Just wanted to say, for the extra 50 cents, these suckers have quality written all over them. Its a minor nitpick and probably not important really at all, but I will continue to buy these over the "other brands."

They pull smooth as hell, and the pin stays put much better, the whole thing just says quality.
They are definitely the best. I've been using them for a long time. That's all you see in doctors offices and hospitals.. There's a reason for that!
Only fags use Thermos

I have some nice 23g 1" and 25g 1.5" BD pins that I got from the hospital.
Thats good to hear bros.
I just picked up 50 BD's.
Been always using Terumos.
Hope they are as good as everyone says :D
whats cool is getpinz carries both now. i have always used terumo. just switched to bds and feel they are a better pin hands down
I guess I'm one of the very few that prefer Terumo. The only reason why I like Terumos more is that BDs plastic plunger seems a little flimsy(sp), I feel that it slightly bends when applying just a little to much pressure to it or is it just me?:rolleyes:
My experience is the complete opposite, pushing through a 25g I had problems in the rear end sometimes. I actually bent one pin in my ass.
Mudge said:
My experience is the complete opposite, pushing through a 25g I had problems in the rear end sometimes. I actually bent one pin in my ass.

OUCH! Where these the Terumos' you where using, what where you trying to get through the 25g pin?
Test, Ttokkyo Sustanon (sust) 250, UG labs 400mg/ml cyp, 250mg/ml QV Enan, this is my first experience with BD.