B6 on prolactin any experiences?


New member
Hello fellow brothers and sisters,
I have recently discovered that many people use vitamin b6 to help lower prolactin levels.
Anyone else have any personal experiences?
I just started using a B6 250mg x 2 twice a day.
Any thoughts?

Best regards,
Vitamin B6 is a cofactor in many reactions, including in the decarboxylase enzyme which converts tyrosine and phenylalanine to dopamine.
A dose of 10mg a day would be needed to ***8216;force***8217; more tyrosine/phenylalanine into dopamine.
I don't know anyone that has seen vitamin B successfully lower prolactin. Everyone here for the most part uses a dopamine agonist to manage high prolactin when cycling 19-nors.
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I have to agree with Megatron.
While B-6 may Lower Prolactin in NON-AAS Users.

I Personally don't know of anyone who has Successfully managed Prolactin while running any 19-Nors.
They either use Cabergoline or Pramipexole or Bromocriptine ~ each can have side effects for some users.

I use Pharma-Grade Prami, it Works Well, it's Cost Effective, and I don't suffer any Side Effects from it......................... JP
Thanks JP,
I suffered from high prolactin way before I ever used any gear, I had teenage gyno, that seemed to go away in my 20’s but still had about 10%, in my 30’s I always had this tube in my left nipple that would swell from time to time then go away, I didn’t know it at the time but that way my prolactin levels out of whack.
When I did a Keto diet and basically waisted all my fat away and 80% of muscle (I look very lean and pretty ripped but little muscle), all my gyno disappeared then... looking back now b6 would have helped me over the years.
Now a gear user and Ai’s do the trick but b6 will be a helpful supplement.

I have to agree with Megatron.
While B-6 may Lower Prolactin in NON-AAS Users.

I Personally don't know of anyone who has Successfully managed Prolactin while running any 19-Nors.
They either use Cabergoline or Pramipexole or Bromocriptine ~ each can have side effects for some users.

I use Pharma-Grade Prami, it Works Well, it's Cost Effective, and I don't suffer any Side Effects from it......................... JP
Hello fellow brothers and sisters,
I have recently discovered that many people use vitamin b6 to help lower prolactin levels.
Anyone else have any personal experiences?
I just started using a B6 250mg x 2 twice a day.
Any thoughts?

Best regards,

Hows the B6 working out for you, have you done bloodtest yet?