BA water directly on peptide - damage


New member
Hello All.

Rookie mistake. I injected 6ml of BA water directly on the sermorelin peptide. The bottle was vacuum so the BA water was "high pressure" into the bootle not just dribbling. It foamed up slightly then settled.

Should I scrap it, throw it away and get a new order? Also, since I might get a new order was thinking about Mod GRF to stack with ghrp2 instead of sermorelin. Any feedback on switching from serm to modGRF?

Why were you using 6ml of bac water to reconstitute a small vial of peptide? To answer your question i think when it fizzes up you've damaged the peptide.
The proper way to reconstitute it is to let the Bac water run down the side of the vial slowly and let it dissolve. I dont know how much or even if damage occurs injecting right onto the puck. I personally would still use it for sure. Also, why 6ml of water, theres no need for that much, l is what you want to do.
Hello. I meant to type 5 ml for 5 mg of sermorelin. I guess might as well use it up. Thank you for your responses.
Most peptides are a lot more stable and resilient than used to be believed. I would def use it and think it is fine.