Back at it again.


New member
Through the babys mommas piss flaps up in the convo lounge so I figured why not show a bit of myself. This was not too long ago. Due to some job stuff I really hadn't hit a gym in over a year at this point. But was working at a lumber yard so hanging in shape. 5'11 170lbs in the pic, my Salter bodyfat 12% did a cycle of 400mg Test E almost 2 years ago. I've been back at it hard in the gym since this and testing to see if some dbol is real so I shall post a new one in a few days. My new job should be permanent so I don't plan on stopping again. Eventual goal is probably 215 or so weight wise. During my first cycle I was 195, but not sure of the bf% at that point. This all eventually may lead into a log. My legs need work ill get a bunch of pics up when I can.
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