Back cartilage


New member
I've had a reoccurring cartilage injury in my thoracic spine. Well at least that's what the doc thinks. It's in the joint of the rib and vertebrae. But none out of the 6 health professionals I've seen can give me a method of speeding up recovery or preventing it. Any suggestions?
Maybe you should see a chiropractor. They have been known to move a joint or two back into place occasionally. Might be worth a shot.
These type of injuries are tricky when it comes to the alignment or misalignment of joints in your spine. A good chiropractor might be able to recommend alternative therapies to help with your specific problem. There are several therapies, for example, ART (Active Release Technique), Graston Technique, Electro-stimulation to name a few. A good chiropractor can even recommend the appropriate exercises to help with your specific problem. It is worth a shot if conventional medicine hasn't offered a solution.
Try for Arthroscopy.It will diagnose the joint problems and repair joint damage.Click here
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