Back to the "dark" side, new cycle and info


New member
I've been out for almost 4 years now and Im getting back this week. Its been a hell of 4 years (more on that later). Im doing a test e 500 mg and hgh cycle (much more on that later). I just need some info about hgh so I appreciate it if someone who is on or been on an hgh cycle could dm me... ill update this with everything soon!
first thing about HGH is that its not really part of a 'cycle' per se. example, you don't just run hgh as an add on for 10 weeks as part of a test e cycle. HGH use is more a long term commitment, 6 mos to a year, or at least cycling it on and off year round (example 6 weeks on , 2 weeks off, 6 weeks on). does it work better with AAS , yes. but it also works better long term and not just part of a cycle.
first thing about HGH is that its not really part of a 'cycle' per se. example, you don't just run hgh as an add on for 10 weeks as part of a test e cycle. HGH use is more a long term commitment, 6 mos to a year, or at least cycling it on and off year round (example 6 weeks on , 2 weeks off, 6 weeks on). does it work better with AAS , yes. but it also works better long term and not just part of a cycle.

Thanks for the info man. I was actually on hgh for 4 months but I ran out last month so havent taken any in a month. The hgh i ordered is still in shipping but all the other gear is here
Thanks for the info man. I was actually on hgh for 4 months but I ran out last month so havent taken any in a month. The hgh i ordered is still in shipping but all the other gear is here

cool deal . well whats your plan and protocol moving forward with it? what kind of stack, how you going to dose it and implement it , any plans on running slin and getting more IGF production , or amplifying its effects with peptides, etc etc..