Bacteriostatic saline


not a wigger
I am looking to buy or make bacteriostatic saline for injection. I want 0.9% (90 mg in 10 ml) Sodium Chloride.

Does anybody know where to buy this stuff or how to make it?

I searched the web and just found one web site where it is no longer sold - said that sale of this product has been discontinued in the United States. Seems like it should be easy to make though.
why saline?

but...... add table salt to distiled water plus 1% ba and filter thru a .2 filter. sterile saline.

for 100ml total solution.

.9g salt + 1ml ba and 98 ml distilled water. run thru the filter and you good to go.
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pullinbig said:
why saline?

but...... add table salt to distiled water plus 1% ba and filter thru a .2 filter. sterile saline.

for 100ml total solution.

.9g salt + 1ml ba and 98 ml distilled water. run thru the filter and you good to go.

Thanks for the recipe PB.

The reason I want it is that the brand of HGH I use is supposedly more stable in BS saline than in BS water.
mranak said:

Yep, that's what I want. Too bad I can't figure out how to order it from that website (don't see it in their list of products). Guess I will use the recipe PB gave.

As I said in the post above, it's for HGH. Also, I believe some brands of IGF use saline as the diluent. I dunno why the optimal diluent for the same peptide (either IGF or HGH) would depend on the brand - but I've been using saline with the product and it works great. I am gonna start getting the same brand of HGH from a new source. This source does not include the saline so as to reduce the size of the package.
jediclampet said:
Yep, that's what I want. Too bad I can't figure out how to order it from that website (don't see it in their list of products). Guess I will use the recipe PB gave.

As I said in the post above, it's for HGH. Also, I believe some brands of IGF use saline as the diluent. I dunno why the optimal diluent for the same peptide (either IGF or HGH) would depend on the brand - but I've been using saline with the product and it works great. I am gonna start getting the same brand of HGH from a new source. This source does not include the saline so as to reduce the size of the package.

yeah the 200iu kits dont come with wfi.

some guys use straight ba as the carrier for igf.
pullinbig said:
ok........... makes sense. how long you storing the growth once its reconstituted?

I takes me 20 days to go through a vial of 60 iu (3 iu ED). The source adivises that you use saline if it takes you "more than three weeks" to use a vial.

Well, I know the HGH does not all suddenly denature at the three week point (i.e., it's a gradual process so the HGH would probably lose some potency in the 20 days it takes me to use it).

All I know is, the saline works and HGH is expensive so I guess I will make my own saline.
Might want to see if you can get it from a local pharmacy. I don't see why you would need a prescription. If insulin is available without a prescription, then why not bac water+NaCl?
making it would be simple and cheap.

ill prolly get some flack about this but we used to boil water for our hcg. no ba, no filters, no problems. we just let it cool off, mix and shoot sub q. =0l
No flack here. Put it in persepective thats a lot more sterile than getting a deep cut on something. I dont see people flipping the fuck out when their kid gets some rocks in his elbow skateboarding, and those aitn even boiled rocks. Does that make sence??