Which BAC water to use to reconstitute HGH?


New member
there seems to be two different ones to select and im not sure which one is good to reconstitute hgh (if i plan on running it)
theres...BAC sterile water and there's BAC 0.9% sodium chloride water.... which to choose?
Either is good. Sterile water unfortunately is not so good.

BAC tends to run out of stock thats why you see sodium chloride now.

Hope this helps.
Sodium chloride is needed for IV injection... not required for subq, but doesn't hurt anything either.
No if you have BAC it already has alcohol in it.

so then it shouldnt be mixed with the benzyl alcohol version? which version then? there are three...bac water sterile water, bac water sodium chloride and bac water with benzyl alcohol.....im confused now....
Use either benzyl or sodium. Do not use sterile.

He thought you were asking if you should mix in benzyl alcohol into the bac water.
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Benzyl alcohol is what gives "bacteriostatic water" it's properties... killing germs that might enter the unsealed container.

It's fine to use sterile water, but the container should be considered a single use item.
Benzyl alcohol is what gives "bacteriostatic water" it's properties... killing germs that might enter the unsealed container.

It's fine to use sterile water, but the container should be considered a single use item.

yeah i ordered the bac water with benzyl alcohol in it... hope its g2g.... have u ran hgh before? if so, how were your results?