Bad Injection....I need help


New member
I injected in my quad and I took the needle out and some blood came out, but I now have a grape sized lump under the skin.

Its not really painful, but in hundreds of injections this never happened.

Is it just blood trapped under the skin?

If so, will it go way, or turn into an abcess??

I used alcohol pads, new needle, and sterilized my hands.

Whats the word??
I've had that happen, you just nicked a vein. No big deal from my experience. Surprised after that many quad shots it never happened. Did you aspirate? Just wondering.
Without looking at it (I hate playing doc online lol), I would say you popped a vein with the pin. Now you have a pocket of blood in the area. It will dissipate. I would ice it the first 24 hours, then rotate heat and ice after that. I have drained them before, but no way in hell would I recommend that to someone else. You can run into additional issues by doing that....particularly a nasty infection.

If it gets bad, go to the doc and tell him you shot some b12.
I had something similar, except for the lump. I shot my Bicep and had a huge purple spot on my arms, like something a crackhead would have. It went away fine. Just keep a close watch on it and take Swellin's advice.
i like to do my own drainings just because i'm more comfortable knowing where exactly i shot.. i like playin doc with myseld and it's turned out for the good everytime... ice and heat will work but if you're worried pop an 18gauge in there (this is what i did for an abscess.. 18g 1 1/2") and just pull out whatever you can.. but make sure you sterilze before and after and use some polysporin on the area where you stuck the pin... when done... just check what it is if you're worried if not just let it be and ice and heat it... should go away
take the advise on this thread it happened to me too bro..all good in time.
crushershockey said:
i like to do my own drainings just because i'm more comfortable knowing where exactly i shot.. i like playin doc with myseld and it's turned out for the good everytime... ice and heat will work but if you're worried pop an 18gauge in there (this is what i did for an abscess.. 18g 1 1/2") and just pull out whatever you can.. but make sure you sterilze before and after and use some polysporin on the area where you stuck the pin... when done... just check what it is if you're worried if not just let it be and ice and heat it... should go away

did you not have insurance or something? Or just wanted to stay away from the doc