Bad batch of test Ethernate


New member
Hi Everyone,
I'm new here but have been using Test E for 3 years now with out any issues until now. I injected 2 ml into my Glute last friday around midday and everything went as per normal. About 8 hours later i had lots of pain (like bad doms) and thought nothing of it. Went to sleep around 10PM and woke up next day around 7am. Started morning routine and started getting very dizzy, then passed out. woke up on floor very unsure of what just happened. My ass was the sorest it has ever been and had a large lump under the injection site. I spent the rest of the day on the couch laying down as walking was to painfull. It has taken 5 days for swelling and pain to go away.

Could this be a bad case of to much BA in the test i got? I did plenty of research and it all pointed to a batch with to much BA. Can you lower the BA if that is the case by heating the vial?
dont really want to use it unless i can make it safer, riding a motorbike and passing out is a bad idea....
How are you going to monitor the BA when your trying to lower it? what about your source, have you ever had issues like this before? have you always used the same source?
are you on any meds?
How many mgs did you pin?
When i spoke to the source he told me he had changed the carrier oil but not the mix, although he would not say what oil he changed it to. i have had this issue before but only the small swelling and pain for 72 hours, never passed out or large lump. i Have been using this source for about 12 months. I am not on any other medication or gear, only the Test E.
I'm not sure how i can measure the BA when i try to lower it but i feel that at the cost i have to pay here its not viable to just bin it either. I have 2 vials that now give me this pain once injected.I'm not even sure if heating the liquid will lower the BA content or if mixing it with a good batch will lower the effect. I injected 500mgs of Test Ethernate.
It was injected very slow as i always do, everything was wiped with alchol swabs before use and needle was new and sterile.
If he cant tell you what oil he changed to go find yourself a new source. anyone who can divulge that type of info is looking to scam you. What if you where alergic to the oil he switched too?
there must be transparency when dealing with aas, one slip, and its your ass.