bad reaction to Supertest 450mg/ml


New member
First time use.Leg has really swollen up and hurts like a bitch.Never had this problem with Test E and Deca cycles.I read to ice it and take advil.Any more suggestions.Also isn't it suppose to be completely clear like the Test E.


test e and deca usually come dosed at 200 mg per ML.. you just injected 450 mg per ML. I'd imagine its gonna hurt like a bitch, virgin muscle all over again.
color can vary based on the batch of the gear.
Ice is bad for PIP too. Also, don't massage it - just take your ibuprofen at bedtime and let it heal. High concentration gear is only good if made by a damn wizard; otherwise, it's going to hurt! ;)
That's a high concentration, basically the oil is getting absorbed and leaving hormone behind..... Gonna be a good week until it's back to normal. All the above posts are giving good advice.

And ibuprofen will help, I use cuprofen. Just don't do what my buddy did.

He started throwing up blood last week.... Due to a stomach ulcer from taking ibuprofen on an empty stomach (rookie mistake)
Whats in this supertest. Most Supertest's I've seen are a blend like sustanon with 4 or more esters mixed in. Some have a reaction to the prop ester thats in it. Could have been a bad injection. Like others said as well high concentration oils are really a crap shoot.

stay away from these 400, 500 mg/ml oils honestly. I've only ran one lab that could make them without any pain, others...forget about it!
I don't mind the pip as much as the crap shoot . Just ran E500 and while my test was elevated it was not what I was expecting . As SJC said I will now stay away from these high mg/ml compounds until technology progresses.