Baking Filled Vials


New member
Hey guys, just have a basic question, i usually never bake my vials after i have filtered them. As i have never had a problem. But i did have a small infection at an injection spot a few weeks ago so i want to try this baking that i have read about.

I am using grape seed oil for my batch of test prop from syno conversion. I am wondering at what temperature i should heat the oven to, and for how long i should cook the vials. Also do i need to insert a needle in the top of the vials to relieve pressure or is this not necessary?

thanks guys.:xmas:
if its just the vials "empty" 30min @ 350deg

The vials are full. They are villed with my finished filtered product, i just want to throw them in the oven to sterilize them again that way for extra precaution due to my issue i stated in the previous post.

baking doesn't sterilize, filtering does.

if you're concerned about bacteria, refilter. Baking wont do shit.

how do you know it was the gear?
Baking is a waste of time. Filter with a 22 um filter and be done with it.. 45 um are junk and dont sterilize your sauce where a 22um does.. Pretty simple.. If you want more info read my prior post concerning autoclaving and baking oils on here. I brought it from another site but has alot of info in it..