baking gear

Unfortunately the higer BA is in there for 2 purposes it was not intended increase the soluability of the powder Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) in oil and to "kill" bacteria. BA does not kill bacteria it suppresses it's growth. Chinaman uses tons of BA for the above same reasons...and the raw chemical may not be as pure as the raw chems used by Pharm companies all ingredients must be of USP Grade and that stands for United States Pharmocopeia at least in the US. If a european drug is imported /licensed to be sold in the US it has to meet those standards of quality.
Veterinary Gear is a different story-in the US they are regulated by the USDA and can have high levels of endotoxins and bacteria in them for animals...where as the FDA handles the human grade stuff. Believe me I know, I work in the pharm industry. Mexican Vet companies are the most risky, because their Ministry of Health has low standards they are allowed to be 10% underfilled and underdosed and still meet label claims.
BA is an ok solvent but there are better options like Benzyl bezoate with BA added at .95% for the bacteristatic effect, also extreme levels of BA can cause cell death and necrosis cellulitus etc.

when I am forced to use MEX VET GEAR, you can gurantee I filter that sucker down to a .2 filter level for sterility and if it is high BA, I dilute it with a low dosed BA Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) like T200, EQ or etc.
BA also does not sterilize it is a bacteriostatic agent-chemicals that suppress bacterial growth rather than like a bacteriocidal agent like bleach does.... [/B]

In fact, this bacteriostasis is equivalent to sterilizing. The bacteria have a very short life span. If they cannot reproduce, then the solution will be essentially sterile, unless you introduce large boluses of bacteria back into the solution.
buffdoc said:
In fact, this bacteriostasis is equivalent to sterilizing. The bacteria have a very short life span. If they cannot reproduce, then the solution will be essentially sterile, unless you introduce large boluses of bacteria back into the solution.

I agree but filtering will remove all dead bacteria over .2 microns.
The endotoxins pyrogen levels are a problem for some as it causes allergic reactions in humans even from the dead bacteria.....a .2 won't get everything if it is extremely dirty psuedomonas, mycoplasma and various species of bacteria can be fragmented and < .1 micron in size.