BALCO founder seeks Bush’s help ,he's ‘willing


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BALCO founder seeks Bush’s help
If man at center of steroid scandal can avoid prison, he's ‘willing
to reveal everything he knows ... to clean up the Olympics'The Associated Press
Updated: 3:34 a.m. ET June 16, 2004SAN FRANCISCO - The founder of a Bay Area lab at the center of a steroid scandal is seeking President Bush’s help in negotiating a plea that would keep him out of prison and could implicate potential U.S. Olympians.


Victor Conte’s attorney, Robert Holley, sent the letter Monday to Bush, Attorney General John Ashcroft and three federal prosecutors. The contents of the letter were first reported by the San Jose Mercury News and later confirmed by Holley to The Associated Press.

“Mr. Conte is willing to reveal everything he knows about officials, coaches and athletes in order to help to clean up the Olympics,” the letter says. “He will answer all questions from the United States Department of Justice, the United States Olympic Committee, and the United States Anti-Doping Agency. Further, he will put together a team of experts and truthful witnesses who will aid in this massive job of restoring faith in American athletes and respect for our system of fair competition.”

Conte, founder of the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative, and his attorneys met with federal authorities earlier this month but were unable to reach a plea deal.

WP: Doping official says Jones case should proceed

The meeting came as USADA continues to examine tens of thousands of pages of documents from the federal case against Conte and three other men. Those documents include purported drug-use calendars for athletes, as well as statements Conte made to federal agents during a September raid. All four men have pleaded innocent.

Those documents, obtained by a Senate committee from the Justice Department and then turned over to USADA, already have led sprinter Kelli White to acknowledge drug use and accept a two-year ban.

USADA has also sent letters to Tim Montgomery, Alvin Harrison, Chryste Gaines and Michelle Collins saying it is formally investigating the sprinters. USADA is also seeking information from Marion Jones, who won five medals in the 2000 Olympics.

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“He has information that would be of great value to USADA and the Olympic committee,” Holley said in a telephone interview. “I will not talk about any specific information he would give.”

USADA has the authority under its charter to seek punishment against athletes even without a positive drug test. Doping cases could be built on documentation or statements by people such as Conte.

But without a plea agreement, Conte likely would not be willing to corroborate or explain the documents or his statements. Bush condemned steroids during the State of the Union and Holley hopes the president will intervene in this case.

“The best we can do is give it to them,” he said. “What they do after that is up to them.”

Conte is asking to avoid pleading guilty to money laundering — the most serious charge he faces — and to be sentenced only to probation, along with BALCO vice president James Valente.

Track coach Remi Korchemny and Barry Bonds’ personal trainer, Greg Anderson, also were indicted. Conte’s letter does not address Bonds or any other baseball player linked to BALCO.

Conte’s assistance is also being sought by Jones. Her legal team sent Conte’s lawyers a letter asking whether Conte would voluntarily appear or require a subpoena to testify because he has relevant information, a lawyer for Jones said on condition of anonymity.

© 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
balco took their money and got rich off them knowing this was a possibility and now hes gonna rat them out . i hope his freaking head explodes
Mr. dB said:
I hate to say it, but someone needs to knock that guy off.

How much can it cost? Maybe we can start a pool.

Seriously, this is the best example of Karma I can think of. Conte was so arrogent he thought he was untouchable. Now his life is in the shitter. Gotta love it.
This is how the Kenedy family started into money... Joseph Kennedy was the king of securities/ Saving and Loan fraud. He got caught and donated a ton of cash to Rosevelt (democrat) who promptly worked with him to start the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to bust defrauders.
Mr. dB said:
Didn't Conte used to be the bass player in the band Tower of Power?

His brother was the guitar player and when the regular bass player couldn't make a few gigs, he got Victor to fill in. Being a bass player, that stung a little because that's a dream gig for a bass player. Rocco Prestia is some big shoes to fill and frankly, Victor didn't cut it. I would have loved that opportunity. But hey, I'm going out to the park and Victor is going to the hoosegow. He who laughs last....
Nelson - Montana said:
But hey, I'm going out to the park and Victor is going to the hoosegow. He who laughs last....

Lol, mental note, if ever a chance to put nelson in band as bassist, do it, don't chance prison.
aside from this arse being a full blown rat what gets me is the gov's. The us gov't trains thier military, secret service branches etc not to say anything secret even under threat of torture yet they want citezens to rat out other citezens under threat of jail

I dunno but if I was a major public figure like some of these atletes etc and getting my carreer ruined whether found guilty/not guilty I would love to see one of them tell the gov't publicly to fuck themselves.

It would be just dandy plus the media which is typically liberal and anti bush would have a field day.

I think these athletes have no chance in hell even if found not guilty as they will forever have that guise of suspicion on them just by having thier named called out
Milhouse said:

I think these athletes have no chance in hell even if found not guilty as they will forever have that guise of suspicion on them just by having thier named called out

"I have, in my breast pocket, a list of 500 athletes who have used illegal steroids."

--Joe McCarthy