Battling gyno? Try Raloxifene.


New member
Hey fellas,

Just thought I would share my recent, albeit short experience with Raloxifene (Evista). I have had gyno issues for years. Unlike some guys, its not in the form of moobs, but more just insane sensitivity of both nipples, and lumps under the left.

In an attempt to restart a few years back, after 10 years of hormone highs/lows, I was started on Nolvadex. 40mg to start, dropped as low as 2.5mg EOD as a long term thing. This kept my TT high but I never felt great. For whatever reason, it also spiked my E2 which required 1.25mg of ADEX a week to control. Anyway... the Nolvadex took some of the edge off my nipples, but not really. The gyno condition never subsided.

Started TRT 4 months ago, while also stopping Nolvadex, and things got even worse. Even with a crashed E2, and prolactin of essentially 0, my nips still bothered me. Lumps in left remained strong.

Not even 5 days ago, I was prescribed Raloxifene. Its a SERM similar to Nolva/Clomid but seems to have an affinity for breast tissue. Not as good at restarts/boosting T though. Anyway, after 5 days on it, at 60mg a day, my lumps, which have been there for probably 4-5 years now, are almost completely gone. The results are astounding for me. I have been on AIs and SERMS for 3-4 years straight and this is the first time the lumps started to break up.

Anyway - just something to consider while battling gyno. I have tried letro, Aromasin, Clomid, Nolva/tamox, Cabergoline, etc, etc. None did even remotely close to what Raloxifene has done in just 5 days.

Sorry to say it, but this wont be an ongoing log - I hate my gyno so much I am actually stopping Ralox and getting the surgery/gland removal in the coming weeks. I started the Raloxifene as a temp solution while I wait for surgery. I never want to deal with this ever again.

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