BB and BA %%%


New member
i need some info on BB and BA, is BB a must for most raws?. what percents would be good for these raws
test e
tren e
Hey ronrr,

Some hormones such as Test E, Deca (Nandrolone Decanoate), Boldenone, etc., do not need BB, because these hormones do not crystallize.

As far as Tren E, I have not seen it crystallized at 100mg/ml.

Even when working with hormones that do not crystallize, some people choose to use BB to make the solution thinner, so it flows through a small needle (25 gauge) easier. I don't use BB at all, even when working with hormones that tend to crystallize (Test Prop, Mast Prop). I just warm my oil before I inject to dissolve the crystal and thin out the oil.

As far as what BA and BB percentages that are commonly used:

BA: Pharmaceutical companies use 1%. Home brewers use 2%.
BB: Pharmaceutical companies use 20%


I hope that answers your questions. Let me know if you need help with any thing else.

Cheers mate.
i got a few bottles of test e from my guy that crystallized was this test c?
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anyone know what it could have been? it was supposed to be test e 250

Could you please post a picture?

From my experience, Test E at around that concentration would make the oil thick, but even without BB, it doesn't crystallize. Test E melts so easily that it could melt into a semi liquid when you pinch it with your fingers. :D
Hey ronrr,

Some hormones such as Test E, Deca (Nandrolone Decanoate), Boldenone, etc., do not need BB, because these hormones do not crystallize.

As far as Tren E, I have not seen it crystallized at 100mg/ml.

Even when working with hormones that do not crystallize, some people choose to use BB to make the solution thinner, so it flows through a small needle (25 gauge) easier. I don't use BB at all, even when working with hormones that tend to crystallize (Test Prop, Mast Prop). I just warm my oil before I inject to dissolve the crystal and thin out the oil.

As far as what BA and BB percentages that are commonly used:

BA: Pharmaceutical companies use 1%. Home brewers use 2%.
BB: Pharmaceutical companies use 20%


I hope that answers your questions. Let me know if you need help with any thing else.

Cheers mate.

logged in to start a thread about BB that answers my question.