BB and Vegetarianism


New member
Hi everyone
I am getting more and more into bb and fitness but am a little intimidated and lost because i do not eat meat.
I want to continue to build muscle, and would prefer to not eat too many protein shakes and eggs! Any suggestions??
Come over to the darkside. Make sure your getting 1gram of protien per lb you are. Even 1.5grams would be better.

seitan,Wheat grass
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You simply need to choke down protein shakes, eggs, and egg whites if you're not willing to become a carnivore....
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Hi everyone
I am getting more and more into bb and fitness but am a little intimidated and lost because i do not eat meat.
I want to continue to build muscle, and would prefer to not eat too many protein shakes and eggs! Any suggestions??

I don't eat meat and don't eat eggs (unless its baked into something then I don't mind, to me they are abortions in a shell lol)
But you better be ready to take in 100-200g of protein form shakes + lots of food!

I have over the last 5 years put on 40lb and lost BF% and am now the most muscular in my BIG family.... and they ALL eat meat.
So it is possible,.
the BIG thing is knowing HOW to eat.
YOU DO NOT NEED MEAT to be a body builder.
shit this guy didnt eat it--->

this pic is from like 3 yrs ago and its a crap pic that makes my arms look small.... but i dont got any new ones of me, I have bulked up more and am bulking now, but atleast it shows that I look like I work out at the very least lol
Have LOTS of nuts as snacks.

also here is a good smoothy for cals/fats and protein:

in blender:
1 banana
4 scoops (about 100g protein powder, I like whey, but blends are fine)
50g oatmeal raw
3 tbs peanutbutter (just this is 300cals! lol)
handfull frozen berries
fill with water or milk and blend up.

this is for 2 servings and can be easly 500+ cals each
and add olive oild to EVERYTHING you can. when making a shake and not a smoothy toss sin 1-2 shots of olive oil and shake it up, wont taste much.
add it to pasta sauces and everything you can think of. try not to cook with it. oxidizes fats. use grape seed oil to cook with.
I also liek adding lots of sesame seed oil to my food depending on the dish. anything Asian or Indian I like to add it to.

fats are VERY important here if you don't eat meat ALONG with protein.

feel free to pm me buddy.
I am happy you are giving it a go.
There's a great website: vegan bodybuilding .com. It has meal plans, bio's of vegan athletes, celebrities, fitness models etc.. Who are all vegan. It's easier and easier to bodybuild if you are vegetarian or vegan. Whole foods has an organic meal replacement powder with all essential amino acids, 39 grams of protein, many vitamins and minerals, and has about 310 calories in only two scoops.

There is also vegetarian/vegan hamburger patties, bacon, sausage. I like the tofurky vegan Italian sausage. It has 29 grams of protein and 8 grams of dietary fiber.

Look for Beyond Organic Raw Meal protein powder, and Warrior Food protein powder. And good luck with everything.
Have LOTS of nuts as snacks.

also here is a good smoothy for cals/fats and protein:

in blender:
1 banana
4 scoops (about 100g protein powder, I like whey, but blends are fine)
50g oatmeal raw
3 tbs peanutbutter (just this is 300cals! lol)
handfull frozen berries
fill with water or milk and blend up.

this is for 2 servings and can be easly 500+ cals each

^^ Thats awesome ^^
and thanks for the kind words btw, its old pic but i still got ALOT of work to do. gonna start a Anavar (var) cycle soon, cant wait. gonna prob take pics this summer (not a big fan of photos)
being a veggie and and building muscle can be tough.. it takes some planning for sure
YOU DO NOT NEED MEAT to be a body builder.
shit this guy didnt eat it---> "Bill Pearl"

I'm going to go Vegetarian soon, so I'm not knocking your comment. I do however, want to point out a few facts:
#1 - Bill Pearl was a genetically gifted Mr. Universe for his time.
#2 - Bill Pearl was a meat eater and a heavy steroid user all the way up until 1961, when he won the Mr. Universe title.
#3 - This means that he ate meat and did steroids to get that big. He did not get that big as a natural vegetarian. Hell... he didn't even get that big as a natural meat eater.
You will never see a PURE VEGETARIAN win the Mr. Universe title.
Bill Pearl did win that title again after he became a vegetarian in 1961, but he got his base from meat and steroids. Once you get big, diet can keep you pretty big... and while you can get fairly big as a vegetarian builder... don't expect to ever see a Ronnie Coleman sized TRUE vegetarian bodybuilder.
I am excited to try the whole vegie thing... but I am keeping my hopes in check with the facts.
If ya dont eat your meat ya cant have any pudding. How can ya have any pudding if ya dont eat your meat ?
from where? anyone?