BCAA Powder

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I have some unflavored BCAA powder that I am going to start taking throughout the day. (Roughly17-20 grams) What do you guys mix this stuff with? I tried crystal light and that crap floated on top and wouldn't mix. Is there a better liquid to use?
room temp water works fine for me it's tough to mix.. take 20 grams a day of bcaa or dont bother.
I find BCAA's taste very chemically. I ended up mixing mine in with a protein shake.

Either that or mix it and quickly chug it down before it floats to the top
itll mix, you just gotta shake it up real good. I always buy the grape flavored shit so i just mix it with straight water.
skarhead1 said:
room temp water works fine for me it's tough to mix.. take 20 grams a day of bcaa or dont bother.

That much? I just started taking them, and like an idiot bought a bottle of caps before i did the research. They only give u about 3 grams at reccomended dosage. thats already 4 pills so im not gonna take take like 15 or so pills....guess ill get the powder next time.
Easto said:
I find BCAA's taste very chemically. I ended up mixing mine in with a protein shake.

Either that or mix it and quickly chug it down before it floats to the top

Ditto! ..Straight in the blender with my whey is the best method..IMO I put 10gm's in my morning protein shake, 5gm's in my pre-wo drink, and 5-10gm's in my PWO protein shake.
I've tried every way you can think of to mix it and the blender mix is the best.