Beach 2018!! What is YOUR definition of a "cutting cycle" or stack ?


New member
Hello everyone :)

Know i might get a head of myself now but I like researching and i´m confident the knowledge I can gain here while help the cycle I'm about to start, as well as future cycles like this will be help me tremendously in the long run and hopefully many others too :)

This cycle is aimed for "Beach 2018". Shredded over Swoll/BigBulky. But not "stage extreme" even if such tips are very much valued to me personally. Thanks!

Doing some googling it seems to be:

* Goals are:
Fat reduction.
Good muscle definition, that "hard" look.
Building LMM.
Low side effects.
Preferably a short 6weeks cycle. Maximum 8 weeks.

What would be your "go to stack" be or compounds, approach or logic on this ?
This assumes training and diet is on point of course.

Thanks for reading and taking the time to reply your favourite Beach 2018 methods and secret tricks :)
I'm not an expert by any means but if it was me:

For starters, Beach 2018 starts now. To look lean n muscular you first need muscles. I'd be bulking from now until say May. Weight be damned. Need muscles!

When lean time comes, test/tren combo would be my route. I've never used winny but understand it will give you the final 'stage extreme' look.

Good luck with the low sides deal. Everything strong has sides I'm afraid
A decrease in fat and increase in muscle are contradictory goals. It definitely starts now.

Your cycle will have to be all out mass. Where are we starting from here? Height, weight and body fat.

What are your macros?

What exactly is your training?

Reading over steroid profiles ive fell out with lots of them. Test, EQ, NPP but none that cause huge fluctuations really. Orals I've settled in on anadrol, Turinabol.

When are you trying to be ready? May? June?

I have a date with the beach in Feb. I'm lean so all I've done is increase intensity and increase calories 200-500 when I quit gaining weight. "Lean bulk" as it gets but im on TRT not cycle levels. I'm 5' 10" 166lbs and eat about 3400-3600 calories a day. Why so much? I dont know. Thus what it is taking.

If you ran a 16 week cycles and did everything right you will be hitting the beach in PCT time.
My go to for the Beach.
Is Test P/Mast P/Tren A.
But you can't be Too High in Body Fat to start.
So it may require Dieting Down before you start your Cycle.................................... JP
I love Winstrol. Some have joint problems but you can get some glucosamine for that.

If you can get real injectable Winstrol I would use the Winstrol with Test E for the beach cut. YOU need a good 14-16 plus cycle. WE can talk on the particulars at a later. :wavey: Put together a cycle for the beach as if semi-show ready... :laugh3: Ha that would be fun. :)


PS:L I have never gotten the results that Winstrol did for me then did Mast. Personal ??
-wants “low side effects”
-lists tren and winny as possible options

You sound waaaay too fresh to this to be considering anything but a test cycle. Is this your first time running gear?

Also, nothing 6 weeks is worth doing. You could run an 8 week cycle with short esters, but people generally don’t want to pin daily on their first run.
A decrease in fat and increase in muscle are contradictory goals. It definitely starts now.

Your cycle will have to be all out mass. Where are we starting from here? Height, weight and body fat.
What are your macros?
What exactly is your training?

I will start my 2nd cycle first week of jan 2018. That will be my "all out mass" cycle.
I'm 176cm. 66kg and haven't checked bf in a long time cuz I know i've "fucked up" after summer ended. Im afraid, went from 6pack to 4pack lol... But I usually go between 10-15% with caliper depending on season, if i had to guess, 12-12.5% right now.
My PT will be doing all my macros, including timings and even recipes this time. Apparently i did it all wrong first cycle.

Off I'm training with PT 4-5 times per week (depending on work) 60min + 30 min myself. That includes warmup, stretching and tiny bit cardio.
Im from sweden so june/july/august for "peak" shirtless months lol

My plan is (subject to change because im still very much noob) was doing my planned bulking cycle, recover and just go all out shedding fat. I dont necessarily have go gain more muscle (obvs want too) but absolutely not lose any gains :)
The short cycle is because I dont wanna overstress my body and its kinda close between recovering and this.

Does this make sense at all ?
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-wants ***8220;low side effects***8221;
-lists tren and winny as possible options

You sound waaaay too fresh to this to be considering anything but a test cycle. Is this your first time running gear?

Also, nothing 6 weeks is worth doing. You could run an 8 week cycle with short esters, but people generally don***8217;t want to pin daily on their first run.

- Low sides, was mostly in my head because I would be doing two cycles pretty close together with different goals i guess.

Yes, I'm very fresh but trying my best to research and listen to peoples advice and opinions :)
My first cycle was testp/trena/mast. Stupid and I should have researched more and listen to the people around me but hindsight is 20/20 :)

6 weeks is because im not looking to necessarily looking to put on muscle, just shed fat and maintain my gains.
I have no problem to pin daily :)
What's your height weight and body fat?

16 weeks is a short period for 2 cycles. Usually it is cycle time + PCT + off time. An 8 week cycle become 19-20 weeks at least. 1 longer cycle.
What's your height weight and body fat?

16 weeks is a short period for 2 cycles. Usually it is cycle time + PCT + off time. An 8 week cycle become 19-20 weeks at least. 1 longer cycle.

Wrote stats above but in american numbers:
Height: 5,77428
Weight: 146
Bodyfat(Haven't checked in 2 months) but my guess is: 12-12.5%

Im aware, i would end coming cycle (PCT) end of march.
Would start cutting about 3 months later in end may / beginning of june. And be peak prime end of july, starting august.
Is this possible or Im I aiming to high for this summer ?
Sorry I mised your stats above. Test is best. I'd plan backwards and see how many weeks I could be on . Two ups and downs on your HPTA system is worse than 1 longer well done cycle. Start out mass with higher test and finish with the stuff listed above. I'm not experienced but I'd rather only shut myself down one time. A good test cycle will put mass on. 500-750mg week lowering calories or adding cardio at the end and leaning on the high test to keep gains. Hit PCT and keep training hard but eat more till recovered to make sure gains stick and have time to lean back up. Maybe 6 weeks from the day you want to take your shirt off.

Ready end of July so use July for final touches.
June PCT and blood levels to bleed down
16 week cycle test and EQ. Maybe jump start with higher doses or use an oral. Anadrol is listed for mass and strenght and I haven't read lots of reports of puffing up but in guessing you would. That's mostly opinion tho. No experience with anything except eq about 10 years ago and TRT.
16 week cycle test and EQ. Maybe jump start with higher doses or use an oral. Anadrol is listed for mass and strenght and I haven't read lots of reports of puffing up but in guessing you would. That's mostly opinion tho. No experience with anything except eq about 10 years ago and TRT.

I'll have to rethink everything a bit then. Makes sense to extend the cycle instead of "forcing" two so close together, I had similar plans earlier but ended up scrapping that idea to avoid 2 orals in the same cycle due to liver damage.
I've also read that the body starts undergoing/adapting on a "cellular level" after about 3 months, thats why I've aimed for 8 weeks on and 4ish weeks PCT cycles :)
Very solid advice. Thank you :)

Just because I'm curious, my supplier (and now you) have both recommended me to run a cycle with EQ but my PT simply said "You're not ready, wait for another cycle" and I just didnt question it at the time lol.
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EQ isn't a huge mass builder but it also doesn't cause huge amounts of water weight. If it was a different point in my life about 25-30 weeks out Id run a 16 wk 500mg wk test/400-600mg wk EQ started off with anadrol. Something like 4 - 6 weeks. Once test & EQ are in full force drop it. Use test cyp or something to closer resemble the EQ 1/2 life.

I'm already lean and personally don't want to puff up. It would also be extremely obvious. EQ was good to me when I used it. I may be biased toward it. :)
I'll have to rethink everything a bit then. Makes sense to extend the cycle instead of "forcing" two so close together, I had similar plans earlier but ended up scrapping that idea to avoid 2 orals in the same cycle due to liver damage.
I've also read that the body starts undergoing/adapting on a "cellular level" after about 3 months, thats why I've aimed for 8 weeks on and 4ish weeks PCT cycles :)
Very solid advice. Thank you :)

Just because I'm curious, my supplier (and now you) have both recommended me to run a cycle with EQ but my PT simply said "You're not ready, wait for another cycle" and I just didnt question it at the time lol.

Hahahaha, that's funny. Your PT seems to think you are ok with tren and a couple of orals, but not ready for EQ.
Hahahaha, that's funny. Your PT seems to think you are ok with tren and a couple of orals, but not ready for EQ.

Thats only half of the story :)
He wanted me to run test only for my first cycle. I ignored his advice and ran test/tren/masteron.
Then he suggested test and deca for second cycle. I came up with test/tren/dbol/winny lol...

When i dialed it back(a lot because of the advice and suggestions i got from here) I think he was just happy I found something "moderate" that he has run himself and could "approve" instead of having my supplier mix everything up once again, having me go overboard.

But i agree i worded it funny hahah :p
are you able to post a pic of your body and progress? what does your blood works look like?

I was not wise enough to do blood work before first cycle but you can read doctor comments here on BW post pct:
On page 2 you'll find my stats and planned upcoming cycle. (176cm, 66kg, bf 12-12.5%)
(I will start Milkthistle and NAC soon as bulkpowders deliver it)

Last cycle i tried to bulk and cut at the same time, didnt really go so well.
Thats why I wanna focus on mass mass mass but i still wanna be ripped for summer, thats why I created this thread. Thats why I thought of a second short "cut cycle" or maybe do like mycelium suggested and consider one longer cycle.

I didn't really take any pictures before or during the cycle. Think i have like 2 "dating apps" pics to show off abs lol :x
Will make sure to snap pictures before i start this time for my log :)
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I'll have to rethink everything a bit then. Makes sense to extend the cycle instead of "forcing" two so close together, I had similar plans earlier but ended up scrapping that idea to avoid 2 orals in the same cycle due to liver damage.
I've also read that the body starts undergoing/adapting on a "cellular level" after about 3 months, thats why I've aimed for 8 weeks on and 4ish weeks PCT cycles :)
Very solid advice. Thank you

Just because I'm curious, my supplier (and now you) have both recommended me to run a cycle with EQ but my PT simply said "You're not ready, wait for another cycle" and I just didn't question it at the time lol.

Ok in Bold ^^^
First man why are you thinking and putting together all these ideas about cycle weeks and all the rest.... Listen WHY doe you think WE as we push the Safes Way to use AAS have a beginner cycle of Test 500mgs week at 12 weeks or even more. You feel you are different then ANY of the thousands of beginners and cyclers to deviate from the proven Golden Rule ( suggested) cycle protocol.

Second Your PT doesn't know shit... that's a fact. Put him on here Ii would like to talk. You are a noob and first you had and have no business in reality doing all these compounds. As was said he hasn't a problem with these other compound but yet you at all ready adding Deca and you should know about ED and High prolactin and how it happens while using Deca.

EQ is a very safe compound and is generally a smooth and a lesser unwanted sides with it's use.

Listen you MUST digest and absorb what the Steroid Profiles tell you, and add the experience of our board members comment of their experience before you take to Gospel what one or two guys say with the ,Bro-science.

Ask your PT why he said that about Equipoise is a generally well-tolerated anabolic steroid for most men, and is often very well-tolerated by many women when low doses are applied. Side effects of Equipoise use are certainly possible, but most healthy adults should find this anabolic steroid very manageable .Hey better yet as I said get him to tell us... BUllSHIT. Please man when anyone makes comments like that , YOU THEN GO READ UP. Hey just a sentence from the EQ profile :
Thats only half of the story :)

I ignored his advice and ran test/tren/masteron.
Then he suggested test and deca for second cycle. I came up with test/tren/dbol/winny lol...

When i dialed it back(a lot because of the advice and suggestions i got from here) I think he was just happy I found something "moderate" that he has run himself and could "approve" instead of having my supplier mix everything up once again, having me go overboard.

But i agree i worded it funny hahah :p

In Bold... WTF, outrageously STUPID. I cannot believe this ? Nuts , so many possible sides with these compounds and you are not acquainted with how the sides feel and how to handle them. Also which compound is the culprit

SLOW DOWN the marathon will not get any shorter. And you can only gain a limited amount of LMM no mater what type or dosage of steroids you plug in.

I go back to my suggestion as to drop all except Test. Some of my best cycles have been TEST E and P. If A guy should really stick with Test only for a few cycles. Nothing wrong with higher doses as long as you run an AI. If you want more up the Test for a cycle or two.
Ok in Bold ^^^
First man why are you thinking and putting together all these ideas about cycle weeks and all the rest.... Listen WHY doe you think WE as we push the Safes Way to use AAS have a beginner cycle of Test 500mgs week at 12 weeks or even more. You feel you are different then ANY of the thousands of beginners and cyclers to deviate from the proven Golden Rule ( suggested) cycle protocol.
YOU THEN GO READ UP. Hey just a sentence from the EQ profile :

I dont think im some special snowflake but besides my PT I dont really have any sources outside of the internet and the information goes all over the place.
When I read it made sense and to get some sort of verification I brought it up here.
Maybe my PT doesn't know shit but sadly I know even less... :(

I've admitted multiple times I'm a noob and shouldn't have done those compounds at all, but hindsight is 20/20 and I dont own a time machine. :(
I do listen to everything that is said here and I even at least try to listen to the "bro-science" people but try to see it from my POV, its literally a whole world of knowledge where im sure you could be a specialist in several of those subareas, im trying my best, i've changed my plans multiple times and researched much more based on the input given in my other thread. Still, I'm dead sure you have forgotten more information than I currently have in the world of aas/bodybuilding etc. We all have to start somewhere ;)

I will ask him, not sure I can get him here on the forums. :)
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