Test, Tren, Winstrol cutting stack help.

Yeah, i think Winstrol (winny) is a no go.
@Dadawg: you think i should buy all 3 seperate or in a mix?
My guy has a mix of 100mg of each per cc. That looks like this:
300mg/ml x 10ml
(100mg Test Prop, 100mg Tren Ace, 100mg Mast)
If that product is 300 mg / ml total short ester product with Test Prop, then be prepared for very painful injections . That mix should be maximum 50 mg from each. When it is higher its hurts too much then bareable.
If that product is 300 mg / ml total short ester product with Test Prop, then be prepared for very painful injections . That mix should be maximum 50 mg from each. When it is higher its hurts too much then bareable.

^Agreed! that shit's gonna burn! lol
I think that 300 mg/ml product will not contain what it suppose to contain so it will be a bad cycle with miscalculation of dosage or possible raw material changing , like Test E instead of Prop ect...
Yeah, i think Winstrol (winny) is a no go.
@Dadawg: you think i should buy all 3 seperate or in a mix?
My guy has a mix of 100mg of each per cc. That looks like this:
300mg/ml x 10ml
(100mg Test Prop, 100mg Tren Ace, 100mg Mast)

That's not only a good cutting cycle but its also a great hair loss cycle, hahahaha
yeah post that diet if you could tren is by far my favorite but when im on it i cant stop eating last time i had to eat 6am before cardio 0930 1230 before gym 3300 or so then dinner at 6 or so 2nd dinner at 9pm then up around 2pm for cottage cheese or another monster sized shake. always starving real solid results keep the strength gains and size , lost some of the look thou. Do you know of anything that will help you maintain your cardio i used magnesium and zinc last time sorta helped keeping my legs from feeling lke they were gonna blow up while running but still sucked