Beast, Hellodrol, Epistane, Epistrong, Epitest?


Thanks for the input guys. I ran my first ph of dieselbolan without knowing anything and thanks to this site I learned a lot. I've ran AAS before but I'm trying to stay away for now b/c trying to knock up the wife. I bought all of my supplies and can't wait to go with test/deca stack one she gets knocked up. Just wasnt' too sure about ph's. I bought some epi Anavar (var) from Mr. supps and I was going to run it for 30 days with liver support/milk thistle and protein shakes and lots of food. Already have a good diet in place thanks to 3J. Epi Anavar (var) is a combination of two ingredients like epistane and Anavar (var) I think. It seems to be popular for cutting and bulking and hardening. So I'll see how it goes. PCT will be the norm nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 50/50/50/50. Wish I could use some test but funds are tight so I'm saving my goodies for later.

Thanks for the input and as always any and all advice is appreciated!!