beastdrol/helladrol vs dbol/var


New member
im not looking at doing any off these i was just woundering if you were going to do a oral only cycle why would you take a pro hormone over aas? You need post cycle therapy (pct) for both,they are both banned substances. Plus everyone says use test as a base and not to run oral only cycles>From what i have read they all are hard on your liver. The only thing i find different is the fact that aas shuts you down and pro hormones are new to me so im just doing research> Thanks for any info guys
There is no real benefit. Just the PH is easier to come by.
dbol and Anavar (var) have better gains from my experience.
But in the end you loose the same gains.
yea thats what i figured.Plus if you were going to do ph I think its cheaper to run aas. So at the end of the day with out a good base its just a waste of money>
Some people respond better with fast acting prohormones, plus they are convenient, to each is his own.