Beastdrol Stack

after all this......the best advice for the OP is.....beastdrol isnt for you

is the tren ace of phs (shittier tho for alot of reasons), and you need to get a few cycles under your belt before you use a superdrol

I kinda agree, i wouldent say its the tren of ph's but it is strong and make some feel shitty on it (thow i notice its usually most complianed about when they are not using ANY sort of testosterone injections while on SD cycle)

deff not a starter compound.
I would not rec oral only cycles but if i HAD to it would be EPI , Anavar (var) or tbol for the most part.
I should of added in something before I opened my mouth that I was also taking a few other workout supplements and that I was just blaming the helladrol because it was the strongest thing I was taking at the time. It could of been the combo of things that was my problem.

could be the combo.
I can use 75mg dbol ed and feel great but 25mg of drol and i feel like compleat shit.
i LOVE test at about 1000mg-1250mg ew and feel great some can barly handle 500mg without sides.

could have been hella and just you. but normally its not reported like this for most.
I am pretty wet behind the ears with Pro hormone. I have cycled a couple of time on App Nut products (HGH up & Free Test) and I am looking for something a little more effective. I recently ordered a bottle of John Scott's Nitro Test2 mostly for it's DHEA content. After I ordered this, I came across reviews about Beastdrol and I am also going to order this. Would these two products be good as a stack, or should I take Beastdrol first and wait on the Nitro Test?


I DONOT Rec oral only cycles for a bunch of resions
BUT if your going to goahead with this kind of thing i have ot say this:
dont use beastdrol for a newbie to this stuff.
it have be a bit harsh for some mostly when not used with test i feel.
I would rec these:
and or:

but agian man look into just doing a testE or cyp cycle if your ready to use any aas or pro-h then look at a testE 500mg ew cycle. and do alot of research first.
I would not only not stack things with Beast, I would recommend not taking it at all. I have used anabolics on and off for 20 years and this stuff beat the hell out of me. I even used a lower dose. It reeked havoc on my lipids and my liver, I felt like I was poisoning myself with the way I felt. I couldn't eat. I was lethargic. My blood pressure was sky high.

All this to say, there are much much much better choices. Keep in mind that many of the reviews are put there by many of the Need2 army and Elite Fitness will delete all negative product reviews.

im not even gonna comment on all the points here because this post just make you look like a complete ideot.
and for somone with 20 yrs of aas exp your ether full of it or as smart as a sack of rocks.

there are review ALL OVER the boards even places we donot sponser at.

BTW some go threw hell with tren some dont . I dont alot do. just because you cant handle it dont mean its shit or that it shouldent be stacked IT SHOULD BE STACKED WHEN USED! not with other liver toxic compounds but stacked nontheless.
I kinda agree, i wouldent say its the tren of ph's but it is strong and make some feel shitty on it (thow i notice its usually most complianed about when they are not using ANY sort of testosterone injections while on SD cycle)

deff not a starter compound.
I would not rec oral only cycles but if i HAD to it would be EPI , Anavar (var) or tbol for the most part.

^^^^agreed bout the oral suggestions, and the test

i meant the tren of phs in that it should be your 3rd or 4th cycle minimum, alot like tren with regards to aas usage.....clearly they are not similar compounds, both carry alot of sides tho, personally id never touch sd because of what it looks like on a blood panel post cycle, ill take tren any day over it)
People all react differently to the compounds. That being said there are many reviews and logs out there that support the reputation that Beastdrol has as a muscle builder. I'm sorry if you didn't have the experience with it that you had hoped but I still believe it is a great ph. Mr Supps has great customer service and stands behind their products 100% too, so if you weren't happy you could have contacted them. I agree that this is not the compound to use for your first cycle either, but Helladrol would be a better choice.

helladrol would be better for first timer.
but i did not feel any sides with beastdrol except some mild nausia but i used 500mg ew of test with it so lathergy or moodyness was not a issue because i was supplementing my shutdown like ALL PEOPLE SHOULD WHEN ON AAS AND WHY I DONOT REC ORAL ONLY CYCLES without test.
to berly:
the "need2 army" is not the issue.
you are.
I have seen you on many places and dotn act like there is no agenda.

beastdrol is direcly a steroid, not conversions enzimy or any other crap is needed. it IS what it IS.
wich is more then you can say for the androline, helladrol, t-bol LV ect.
those may not work the same for all. but for the most part beastdrol WILL do its job. it IS a steroid there is no need for convertion of this and that hoping you get somthing decent and at 8X thwe cost of straight up aas or lagit to the basic pro-h's (sadly most of wich have been banned). i think you just have your head stuck up some where I shouldent point out.

I have asked you Need2 guys to drop it. I already was clear that it was my personal experience and that I was strongly against this for a first time user and clearly stated that there are better options overall for others (sides vs. effects). If somehow that didn't come across, I'm not sure how.

I will state my opinion on a product whether I like it or not. I was clear that I do not hate all Need2 products. I have also been clear that I do not like all PP products. I pick and choose. I have been given crap on the PP forums for choosing to use HCGenerate. But it's my opinion, based not on guesses, not on promotion, not on any financial or any other type of gain, but based on my experience. Why do you guys keep discounting that and trying to make this more than it is? Again, you continue to make attempts at discrediting me, which makes you look like fools. Gang up on a guy with an opinion? Internet bullying? Pretty cool, guys. Pretty cool.

As for the Andro series of products, if you read my posts, I have not ordered them and do not have an intention to in the next couple of years. I have plenty of things to run. I personally think their pricing is too high as well. Again, my opinion. You won't find me pushing the line, though the new Androhard does appear to be more potent than the old one, I have plenty of stock of the old, so no reason to buy.

For those of you who have run Beast/SD with success and low or no sides, I am happy for you. Jealous, in fact. I wanted some awesome gains like you guys have gotten. With my previous anabolic experience I thought I would be able to handle and counter any sides that came my way. It was not to be. I would have LOVED for the product to work as advertised.

Based on MY experience, I would not attempt to use SD or any of the clones, regardless of the company. If you look at any posts I have done regarding people looking at PPs SD, I have also tried to sway them away from the product. I am not a fan. It's MY OPINION. This is A FORUM. Forums are full of opinions. And also apparently full of people who try to censor people's opinions when they don't like what they read.

And so now, according to you, because of my opinions I have "an agenda" and "my head stuck 'somewhere' ". Thanks. Baseless, of course. And unnecessary. And once again proving my point about the attacks. Thanks.
He may not exacly be a rep just a pissed off guy that got banned on EF and is winning about it now with an agenda and a grudg, but here is a linke so you CAN SEE THE RELATION HE HAS TO PP: Primordial Performance Discussion Forums - View Profile: burlyman30

Eh, he's a member at the forum but that doesn't make him a rep or supporter. I'm a member at EF, doesn't make me a N2 rep :)

btw I use a proxy when I go on EF so as not to be auto-banned for being PP rep lol
He may not exacly be a rep just a pissed off guy that got banned on EF and is winning about it now with an agenda and a grudg, but here is a linke so you CAN SEE THE RELATION HE HAS TO PP: Primordial Performance Discussion Forums - View Profile: burlyman30

and judgeing by the way he comes inthis thread attacking us right away from a grudge from another forums I bet it was not the first nore will be the last time he is banned.

feel free to skim his posts and see more bitching.
its kinda sad acually.
now you come over here from pp, if anything your just making them look bad. go get a lolly and site in the corner and stay out of pp's and ntbm's bizz.
maybe you will stopp being banned.

Never been banned, but have several friends who have been banned from EF for simply giving a bad product review. Apparently this is the way opinions are dealt with there. It's not what I would do if it were my forum, but I don't have one so I don't make those kinds of decisions. Nate can run his forum any way he chooses.

Of course I have a profile at PP. I have one here too. What does that prove? Feel free to read any and all of my posts if you have nothing better to do. I have nothing to hide. There might just be some nuggets of wisdom in there to take away while you are at it.

Thanks for the continued attacks. It's continuing to prove my point.
Again, to the OP....apparently this has become a bashing ground for me. I will respond to attacks made on me personally and again apologize for the fact that this is all cluttering your thread. I find it silly that I even should have to do this. Again, so sorry.
look i want to drop this but go back . look at your first post and rethink why you where attacked.....

Was just re-reading my initial post as you wrote this.

The OP was referencing reviews that he had read on the product. I know that there are some forums where negative threads magically disappear and do not give an accurate representation of the other side of the product. This is what I meant, if it didn't come across in this way. Though I stand by what I said because I have seen it to be true, I do understand how some of you would get offended. If those comments do not reflect you, then my apologies to you. I have seen them to be true in many instances.

I want to commend NerdAlert, as he personally PMed me and wanted to clear the air of any misunderstanding. Thank you Nerd, that was totally mature of you, rather than to get into internet fisticuffs, which is ridiculous. I appreciate the gesture more than you know and wish the rest of this banter could have been dealt with in this manner rather than seeing the worst of people come out.
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^^^^agreed bout the oral suggestions, and the test

i meant the tren of phs in that it should be your 3rd or 4th cycle minimum, alot like tren with regards to aas usage.....clearly they are not similar compounds, both carry alot of sides tho, personally id never touch sd because of what it looks like on a blood panel post cycle, ill take tren any day over it)

ohh I see what you mean, then i do agree on EVERY point lol. would not rec SD for a few cycles and i DEFF would pick tren over SD anyday (because i dont get much sides on tren luckly)
yah most all oral aas is gonna be hard on LDL/HDL even once that are mild on live ror hard on liver alot seem to not look at the LDL/HDL issues that come with oral AAS use its NOT just about the liver toxic issues.
Was just re-reading my initial post as you wrote this.

The OP was referencing reviews that he had read on the product. I know that there are some forums where negative forums magically disappear and do not give an accurate representation of the other side of the product. This is what I meant, if it didn't come across in this way. Though I stand by what I said because I have seen it to be true,(I have seen it on the other end also but lets not go there) I do understand how some of you would get offended. If those comments do not reflect you, then my apologies to you. I have seen them to be true in many instances.

I want to commend NerdAlert, as he personally PMed me and wanted to clear the air of any misunderstanding. Thank you Nerd, that was totally mature of you, rather than to get into internet fisticuffs, which is ridiculous. I appreciate the gesture more than you know and wish the rest of this banter could have been dealt with in this manner rather than seeing the worst of people come out.

how about we just edit ower posts ok. :-)
alot seem to not look at the LDL/HDL issues that come with oral AAS use its NOT just about the liver toxic issues.

huge many newbs is the classic

'im im taking milk thistle with my hdrol/sd stack'

and so on.........i guess live n learn
ill clear mine up up anyway im very busy and have to go do other things.
I edited what i put.
but like you said you can see why you would be attacked from company reps when your attacking the compay itself and it has NOTHING to do with the thread. i have no issue with people saying they hate some NTBM products.
i mean I like most but not all of them and ima rep and ill say it.
anyway I have edited my replys to your attackes the rest is up to you and others in here.I have to go to work.