beastdrol v2 reviews? yay or nay?


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Is beastdrol v2 as good as the original? Is it still a superdrol clone or is it just super dmz? I'm curious because I've done super dmz and hated it but I did helladrol and loved it and have run it since about 3 more times. Want something oral but a bit more potent for next cycle
Is beastdrol v2 as good as the original? Is it still a superdrol clone or is it just super dmz? I'm curious because I've done super dmz and hated it but I did helladrol and loved it and have run it since about 3 more times. Want something oral but a bit more potent for next cycle

beast v2 is a mild ph what are your goals?
Oxandrovar will give better strength and be a leaner cycle overall.

Hella takes a solid 2wks to work, it works in one.
Is beastdrol v2 as good as the original? Is it still a superdrol clone or is it just super dmz? I'm curious because I've done super dmz and hated it but I did helladrol and loved it and have run it since about 3 more times. Want something oral but a bit more potent for next cycle

Beastdrol V2 is not superdrol or super DMZ, but rather an M Sten clone. With Muscle Research you know you're getting a quality product. Not quite as strong as the first Beastdrol, but stronger than Hella.
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