been getting light acne on my shoulders for the past 4-5 months, how to get rid of it


New member
I take 200mg of test cyp a week divided up into to 2 - 100mg doses. I generally take .25mg AI twice a week after What the hell is causing this and how do i get rid of it?
What is your E2 at? Highish E2 often causes it for me.

Or have you started using anything new? Any protocol changes?
What is your E2 at? Highish E2 often causes it for me.

Or have you started using anything new? Any protocol changes?

I noticed I started when I began using Sermorelin. I've been off Sermorelin for 2-3 weeks now and probably won't go back on till the Fall or Winter
Take accutane. 20mg twice a week will prevent all acne from cropping up. At that dose, you will experience no side effects. It's a stupidly low dose.

If you want to get rid of all acne, take 40mg ED for 2-3 months and your skin will be clear. Good luck.

EDIT: I should note that this just masks the issue. Megatron is right in saying high estrogen or estrogen fluctuations in general will cause acne in most people.
I've never heard of e2 Fluc causing acne? Does any 1 have backup for this claim?

I do know high e2 defo causes it. I ran accutane even at 40mg ed and still broke out often enough due to my dbol/750 test e cycle. I raised the adex slowly up from .5 to .75 from a suggetions from a good guy :) and it helped a lot.
I know it is time for increased Adex when my face and chest get oily. I'm not prone to acne but do get a little if I don't deal with the oily skin. No labs or research to back up, sorry.