Been On Pain Meds For Years. I Have Low Test. Need Help.

Isn't that your Free Testosterone?
I had to click it twice to get TT to pop up, he's hypogonadal at 323ng/dL. FYI Joe, the difference between the two tests (211 and 323ng/dL) can be attributed to natural fluctuations of your hormones throughout the day.

I'm fairly certain that at the end of four weeks you'll start feeling like a new man. Life is about to get a lot more exciting for you!
Here's My Latest Bloodwork... halfwit & Megatron....!!!!!!
View attachment 562924,View attachment 562925,View attachment 562926,View attachment 562927.
Let me know how it looks after 7 weeks on TRT....
New Bloodwork this Monday... Since Test is High, I droped the dose a bit & taking .25 mgs 2 x aw..Anastrozole... & Test is .8 mil a week.. See what the estrodiol goes down to. & test..

So how are you feeling? I'm sure the high estradiol has made you potentially a little groggy and bloated, but otherwise - that's quite the difference in blood work! I would have honestly just dropped the testosterone down to (assuming 200mg/ml) 0.3ml (60mg) shots every 3.5 days for a total of 120mg of testosterone instead of the 160mg you're at now. You may not even need the anastrozole at that dose. ;)
So how are you feeling? I'm sure the high estradiol has made you potentially a little groggy and bloated, but otherwise - that's quite the difference in blood work! I would have honestly just dropped the testosterone down to (assuming 200mg/ml) 0.3ml (60mg) shots every 3.5 days for a total of 120mg of testosterone instead of the 160mg you're at now. You may not even need the anastrozole at that dose. ;)

feeling bla past 4 weeks... no energy... just don't feel like doing anything... almost like having low T'.. But not the feeling like your in a hole..& depressed... I'm a little depressed a bit.. I went from 138 lbs. to 155 so far.. not bloated to much... My body fat went up..
Before starting TRT, could'nt do 1 push-up.. joint's hurt so bad.. mostly hips.. low estrogen did that,@14.8... I do 20 push-ups a night.till my elbow's start to hurt.. Trying to work out as much I can..
With my test up, taking half the dose of pain med's... The pain ise'nt half of what it was.. So much better.. Tried even to stop the Fentanyl patches.. "NOT YET"... I can go with half a patch.. 12 mgs..... oxy's - 2 to 3 a day... compared to 4 to 7... that i was taking.. Should've went on TRT 3 years ago.. I feel so much better...!!!!!! This week I did .7 mil... to see with new bloodwork.. If I can go down to 120mg. a week, I will...
The HGC is making my body produce test. So I won't need much test... I'd like to do 200mg for a month, work-out hard & drop to my usual dose.. do that every other month, to get a kick a bit...
My test low for 3 years I lost 40 lbs of muscle... I was Skin' & Bones... Everyone though I was Sick....!!! I want to put muscle on as fast as I can.. But,Don't want to get bodybulder huge...!!!
The past 2 months I watched my body get bigger every couple days... Wife even said..
Yup.. Halfwit.. it was life changing past couple months... it was 'life changing' like you said... low ' T '..... REALLY SUCK'S...!!!!!
That's what I think too,, going low with test.. I won't need anastrozole..!!!
When do you really need anastrozole.?? When the body say's... too much test... or is it the number.. I want to stay around 1100... So I keep getting gains, pretty fast...!!! I'm using the Teeter Hang Up,,Thats On TV.. Works Great..
Put My Disc Back In..!! Still Bulging though..
Thank you for your help...!!!!!! & everyone else out there that can help[ me on this path..!!!: biggthump
hCG will just keep a trickle of natural testosterone being produced while using exogenous testosterone. It will not affect your Total levels dramatically. Essentially you are getting all your testosterone from your vial.

When do you need an AI? When you estradiol is too high. Blood work will tell you when it is too high.
What is going on with your Prolactin? It has gone from 5 to 34.

Are you having ED problems? I would think with the high E2 and Prolactin that you are either having a hard time getting an erection or maintaining one all the way through sex.