Been studying up, put together a cycle, am i good to go?


New member
Stats: 25, 183lbs, 5'10, training for 5-6 years, bodyfat between 7 and 9 percent. bench: 300 squat 480, deadlift 580. anything i missed thats relevant just ask me. I've been studying for several months multiple forums, but have no firsthand experience with steroids.

1st Cycle Goals : gain lean mass, with minimal sides - minimizing sides and keeping gains/recovering quickly is my number 1 goal.

Test prop at 400-500mg/week for 8-12 weeks (pinning EOD). (will decide how long to go for based on how i react to it)
Will run Aromasin 10mg/day for estrogen related side effect prevention. Will run HCG 150-250ius 2x/week. Also Vit E to improve HCG effectiveness.

If I get gyno: 40mg Nolva then 20mg/day until it subsides. Also raise Aroma to 25mg/day. If this regimen fails to get rid of it I will begin letro .25/.5/1/1.5/2/2.5 mg/day until it subsides and then taper off the same way. I will leave the nolva in during the letro use. If still on cycle I'll probably leave the letro in as my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at .25mg EOD until I finish as well as 10mg/day of Nolva until pct.

PCT (will begin 2 days after last pin):
Torm: 120/120/60/60/60 mg ED
Nolva: 40/40/20/20/20 mg ED
Vit. C and L-tyrosine 3g ED

I have a couple of acne washes on hand and not real worried about hair loss, but if I start seeing sides I'm not comfortable with and can't get under control I will probably bow out after 4-8 weeks and begin post cycle therapy (pct).

first, if you see anything wrong with my plan please let me know or anything to add. Also here are a few questions:

Do I need anything for prolactin gyno? I didn't think it was really a concern for a low dose test only cycle, but wanted to make sure.

I hear a lot of people talk about how they have a lot more energy while on test and this is one of the things I was hoping to get out of it - any tips o getting the most energy out of a cycle?

would really appreciate any input, especially from experience users. :)
looks like you actually put some thought into this cycle and actually researched. its a nice change of pace from the usual "I GOT 10 GRAMS OF GEAR I WANNA GET HYOOGE BRO HOW DO I USE IT?!?!". good job on that in itself.

not too sure about running torem and nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) though (i know nolva and clomid is quite popular) but I'm sure it couldn't hurt.

good luck with your cycle.
just a note... running any anti-e during a cycle (aromisin, arimidex, letro etc.) will reduce the gains of the test... this is fact

also.. if u have pre-existing gyno from puberty (many have, but dont realize until running gear because it has been lying dormant) no meds will get rid of it... nolva will put it back into the dormant stage, but when on gear again it will come back.. only way to eliminate it is surgery...

train hard, eat lots, and get quality rest
Looks good. I like Arimidex during and Aromasin after, but whatever... Others do as you do. Be prepared to eat more than you think you have planned. And increase eating as the cycle goes on. As you train and get bigger, you will need more and more fuel.
You will want to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as aromasin if you already know estro is going to be a problem, otherwise just have it on hand and use if needed, prolactin isn't an issue on a test only cycle, as far as lean gains go, your diet will dictate what you get out of it, if you eat clean you will gain clean, I have yet to use torem but have heard great things regardless what you use pct should nt have to last longer than 30 days, ,good luck