Question: was the first pic taken cold in the am and the second one taken after a workout..?
If you wait til end of cycle and post before and afters you'll prob get way better responses.. My first mini cycle yielded good before and afters,, didn't take many pics along the way though, was just waitin for the transformation to take place at the end
Question: was the first pic taken cold in the am and the second one taken after a workout..?
If you wait til end of cycle and post before and afters you'll prob get way better responses.. My first mini cycle yielded good before and afters,, didn't take many pics along the way though, was just waitin for the transformation to take place at the end
In my experience, yeah. I don't do much cardio because I have a very physical job, but I usually run at least ten mins after the gym. It seems to help prevent soreness. Then again, I never got any soreness on AAS, so I dropped all cardio.
If building muscle is the main goal, I don't see any point in doing cardio at all (which is just gonna reduce muscle hypertrophy and thus stunt muscle growth).
If your wanting to build muscle, but also wanting to reduce bf% then just simply adjust your diet and train with weights only.
IMO, cardio is for hard core cutting -- note: jumping on a treadmill for 10-15 mins to warm up or cool down isn't a cardio session though
Pre-lifting cardio can hinder the Nervous System and weaken your lifts (less intensity = less stimulation.) Post-lifting cardio can also take advantage of the "after-burn" effect.
I am an Ectomorph and have been thin all my life. I was still in the process of trying to bulk or say maximize my size with muscle mass as always so I thought cardio would hurt my workouts and keep my size and mass down. All I really wanted to do is to get rid of the thickness of my fat tissue directly around my waist.
Naturally if I did cardio pre-lifting it would take way from my total energy, thus the power into my lifts. Then I could or would not be able to put forth the amount of strength to lift heavy to promote failure with heavier weight. Of coarse that was the case.
My experience was that I had better lifts to build LMM if I did cardio after. Naturally this is true. So I did my cardio after I had a god workout and never trying to hold back for the Cardio session after. So I always got on the stationary bike after for what ever length of time I could handle or had time to do. It was hard.
I did continue to build LMM and gain weight as I was reducing the thickness of my fat tissue around my waist. This was the same practice when I was dieting down for a show years ago.
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