Before and after, my first cycle "test e"

i took the afters 2day which is in the middle of my 10th week.. and they were taken b4 going to the gym... so theres no pre-pic pump ups...
ya i was 173-174lbs about 8-8.5%bf b4 starting... and now im at 196lbs last time i checked which was 3 days ago.. prob around 10% bf..
Anytime bro, it's well worth helping those that listen and consider doing shit the right way. Any thoughts for Ur next run??
Anytime bro, it's well worth helping those that listen and consider doing shit the right way. Any thoughts for Ur next run??

haha, u know it... im disapointed to offcycle right now... but i still have alot of time to think about it so no rush. but next time around i will definately run test for 14weeks minimum, with some HCG, and probably gna throw in some Var towards the end of cycle.. but b4 i run another cycle, im gonna have to get some proscar or finasteride bcuz i didnt use any this time around but i used 2 shampoo's 1 called Nisim (which blocks DHT build up in the scalp) , and nizoral which is good for the scalp and i have noticed thicker hair, so it definatley helped battle that side for me. but next time i will find a way to get my hands on some DHT blockers to assure i dont have a problem... i was kinda playing with fire this time around. :p

quick next cycle thought:
frontload test e week 1 1000mgs
weeks 2-10 600mgs test e
weeks 11-14 250-300mgs test e
weeks 11-14 80mgs Var...
weeks 1-16 Aromasin 12.5-25mgs/day
HCG weeks 5-16

weeks 11-14 and just until pct so until week 16.. im gonna do a session with more cardio and slightly lower carbs.. nd increase reps a little to get a leaner look...

i plan this for a spring cycle :p... i think it will be a decent cycle.. i dont want to use other compounds yet cuz i think test e at a higher dose will still work wonders for me..

what u think? if i am extremly wrong, let me know
I wouldn't front load the Test-E personally. I would jumpstart with some Prop the first 2 weeks, but still pin the Test-E Mon and Thurs like U normally would. I would bump the dosage to 750mgs/week as well. That's just my opinion now.
500mgs/week. there is a chance that my gear is underdosed, so i was probably like 450mgs of test/week... gained 22.5lbs.. gettin rdy for post cycle therapy (pct) in 5-6 days..
500mgs/week. there is a chance that my gear is underdosed, so i was probably like 450mgs of test/week... gained 22.5lbs.. gettin rdy for pct in 5-6 days..

cool , i am going to be starting my first cycle in the new year and will be doing just test E to for 10 weeks so hope to get some good gains to
Great Results!!! i thought your bodyfat was right on what you said 8% to 10% but jalsmiley probably knows more than me about the subject...anways nice work very noticable results