Begginer cycle for old who just wants to get big and lean!!!


New member
OK here it's guys.....I'm 45 been lifting 15 years. Had some depression issues plus very low t. I've used every supp there is over the years and finally said f**k it a got script and other gear. So I gaINED 30 lbs from anti depressant. I'm now on 500 ml of tests e a week with 40 of anavar a day. I'm going 12 weeks with tamoxafen as my pct. I need a little guidance here I want to loose weight which I have the first 5 weeks just not on scale. is there anything else I should take, how should I take it and when. As I Said This Is Fun FOR Me I Just Want To Do correctly...Thanks boys!!
RPG loaded, locked on, and.... well crap. I should blast you to next thursday, but I wont. But I will preface this with the fact that if you get attitude from here, understand that it's because you are one of a zillion new posters who come here with perfectly reasonable questions.... THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE ASKED BEFORE YOU STARTED!!!!!

By 500mls / week test, I assume you mean 500mgs of testosterone enanthate per week. That's fine. What are you using for estrogen control? And if you say, "I'll get some if I feel I need it" I'm gonna get my RPG back out!

HCG? Or are you just gonna go with the 'nutless' look?

Did you do pre bloodwork? I assume so as you say your natty test levels are low. Thats good also.

Anavar why? Not on your 1st blast.

And finally to your question: wanna lose weight? Track your calories. Track your macros. Find your TDEE and eat under it. About 500cals/day under it. Do nothing else but that and you will lose 2 pounds a week. Roughly.

.....and make sure you get THE CORRECT gear for PCT, unless you want to be on the pin the rest of your life!