Beginner/First time Helladrol cycle help


New member
Pre Cycle ( 2 weeks before)
Cycle Assist
Multi Vit
Fish Oil
Quit drinking

On Cycle
Helladrol 75/75/100/100/100/125
*Cycle Assist
Fish Oil

Post Cycle
Tamox or Clomid which one and dose?
Post Cycle Support
Multi Vit
Fish oil

Would this be enough? I really don't wanna go over and above as it gets to be expensive , but I don't want to go bare minimum since it's my first time so is this enough?

Thanks for your opinions.
Love all the plugs

In short, clomid or torem (your choice, tamoxifen doesn't nothing to stimulate LH)

Your cycle supports good, post cycle you want a serm+cortisol control+ test booster of your likening (LGI rehab, my preference)