Pre Cycle ( 2 weeks before)
Cycle Assist
Multi Vit
Fish Oil
Quit drinking
On Cycle
Helladrol 75/75/100/100/100/125
*Cycle Assist
Fish Oil
Post Cycle
Tamox or Clomid which one and dose?
Post Cycle Support
Multi Vit
Fish oil
Would this be enough? I really don't wanna go over and above as it gets to be expensive , but I don't want to go bare minimum since it's my first time so is this enough?
Thanks for your opinions.
Cycle Assist
Multi Vit
Fish Oil
Quit drinking
On Cycle
Helladrol 75/75/100/100/100/125
*Cycle Assist
Fish Oil
Post Cycle
Tamox or Clomid which one and dose?
Post Cycle Support
Multi Vit
Fish oil
Would this be enough? I really don't wanna go over and above as it gets to be expensive , but I don't want to go bare minimum since it's my first time so is this enough?
Thanks for your opinions.