beginner/ need help


New member
i have never took any steroids before! just all natural supplements. i wanted to start taking steroids but dont know where to start. i wanna lose weight and get a mean looking physique with some nice abs lol. any ideas?

stats: 270lbs 6'2 bench:315 max squat: 305 max (yes my bench is higher then my squat get over it ha)
im 23 years old. ill be 24 here in a few weeks. i would say im about 25% bf or more! my old workout regime wouldnt allow me to lose weight cause i used it for bulking for football but now im done with football im still left with a huge physique(chubby). i have dieted for about 3 months now and did some good training but only have lost a few pounds. i wanna lose more!
No matter what they tell you anabolics will help you acheive a better look at a higher bf % even if your 25 however , you need to do your research and get your diet in check. I wouldn't recommend you use until you've learned quite a bit more. Keep reading.
I agree that Test can help you lean up a little, but you need to get your BF down to use it due to the estrogen conversion in the adipose tissue. A calorie restricted diet will be most beneficial. I am not sure what you are doing but to lose 1 pound per week you need to reduce calories by 500 daily. No more sodas, chips, McDonalds, etc. Get a taste for foods that will not blow you over your daily energy requirement. You can email me your diet, and I can give you tidbits of advice.