Beginners First Cycle -Starting out Strong -(Skinny Fat) (Pictures)


New member
How's it going guys. Just found the site and figured it would be an appropriate place to log my progress, lifts, and pictures.
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How much AI are you taking every day and which one? What was your total testosterone, LH and FSH at prior to starting your cycle?

Is 250mg of Test/week your cycle or cruise dose?

First cycle should be Test only. I would drop the deca and oral AAS. Read the stickies for more info on why this is a good idea.

If you end up using deca, what dopamine agonist will you be using?
How much AI are you taking every day and which one? What was your total testosterone, LH and FSH at prior to starting your cycle?

Is 250mg of Test/week your cycle or cruise dose?

First cycle should be Test only. I would drop the deca and oral AAS. Read the stickies for more info on why this is a good idea.

If you end up using deca, what dopamine agonist will you be using?
Thanks for the reply brother. I appreciate it.

1. I'm taking Exemestane 25mg x30ml AI right now (starting tomorrow I haven't started it yet). Not really sure how to dose it to be honest.
2. Don't know my LH/FSH numbers, but my total testosterone came out at 500ng/dl 2 weeks ago. (I had it tested 1.5 years ago, and at it's lowest was 80ng/dl I've suffered from Low T for a while)
3. Thinking about doing 250mg per week as my cycle dose, and then upping it if I feel the need to 500mg per week.
4. Any particular reason for wanting to drop orals and deca? (as I stated in my OP.. I want this to be a STRONG first cycle with as little fat gain and the most muscle gain as possible!) I've tried to find the sticky that you made reference too..but can't find it?

Thanks for the response!
That seems like a lot of AI.

The sticky threads are posted in the AAS forum. They will answer a lot of questions. Read them before you start doing anything and then come back and ask questions. You don't want to mess yourself up.

250mg/week is often considered a high TRT dose. Most guys start at 500mg/week for their first cycle.

Stickies will explain why test only is best for a first cycle and plenty "strong". I too tired to write it all down tonight when it is so easily accessible.

500ng/dl natural TT is decent. I wouldn't go on TRT if I were you. It isn't fun - trust me. And honestly, you should NOT be running a cycle at age 20. You are way too young. Your body and brain are still developing. Wait until you are at least 25.
@ Megatron

That's what it said on the bottle I have (25mg x 30ml).

I'll go ahead and start reading the stickies, thank you very much for your help and for your insight. I'm still going to go ahead with the cycle, I'll most likely start on the superdrol/test when they come in and will aim for 500mg a week.
Just do test only for first one. When you have complications - and there are always complications - how will you know which compound is causing it?
^ Mainly based on the specific complications/side effects that I run into. I know deca for a beginners cycle is out of the norm, but I want to make the best gains with the most muscle gain as possible, and finally get rid of this skinny fat physique.
I don't think you quite get it. You will have plenty of gains on a test-only cycle if you work out hard and manage your diet. Adding deca to your first cycle is just going to give you more complications and possibly limit your gains as a result. More isn't always better. There is a reason why the norm is the norm. Trust me, you aren't that special where you need to run a cycle that is out of the norm. Deca will be waiting for you in your second cycle. Patience grasshopper.
Listen to what megatron is telling you kid.. drop the dbol, and do more research before you start a cycle. Proper dosing/work out routine and diet are required to be successful on cycle. Also at 20 you better setup proper PCT, your to young to cruise.
I don't think you quite get it. You will have plenty of gains on a test-only cycle if you work out hard and manage your diet. Adding deca to your first cycle is just going to give you more complications and possibly limit your gains as a result. More isn't always better. There is a reason why the norm is the norm. Trust me, you aren't that special where you need to run a cycle that is out of the norm. Deca will be waiting for you in your second cycle. Patience grasshopper.
Got it. Decided to just go with the test only cycle (will be running dbol for the first 4 weeks.) I'll keep my deca for later on down the road. (Just a bought a ton of it, which is why I wanted to use it).

Thanks for your input.

Listen to what megatron is telling you kid.. drop the dbol, and do more research before you start a cycle. Proper dosing/work out routine and diet are required to be successful on cycle. Also at 20 you better setup proper PCT, your to young to cruise.
Not going to drop the dbol. But thanks for the input.