Being at the Arnold Classic motivation.


New member
After being at the Arnold Classic this weekend the motivation for training and the commitment level is so high. It was a great experience. Got to watch the pre-judging and the finals. Was anyone else able to go?
I had a blast there. Got to meet quite a few people. It was kind of shocking how "small" some of the big names are in person, when they look like absolute monsters online and in pics.
I had a blast there. Got to meet quite a few people. It was kind of shocking how "small" some of the big names are in person, when they look like absolute monsters online and in pics.

I know I totally agree. Muscular lot of course they were massive but height they are all quiet short. They are wide of course. They look awesome and it always cool to meet everyone and get pictures but I was taller then all the top bodybuilders there. Except I think Cedric Micmillan he was pretty tall.
I know I totally agree. Muscular lot of course they were massive but height they are all quiet short. They are wide of course. They look awesome and it always cool to meet everyone and get pictures but I was taller then all the top bodybuilders there. Except I think Cedric Micmillan he was pretty tall.

Easier for short guys like me to look enormous. I think that 5'7" to 5'10" is the perfect height for a bodybuilder. Bigger guys can succeed but it will be tougher for them. Arnold is the best example of a tall guy, and Ronnie Coleman is not 5'11" whoever got that stat is full of shit. He seemed about my height maybe an inch taller and I'm a little over 5'7"
Ronnie was 5'7 or 5'8 im 5'11-6 foot and I had probably 4 inches on him. i saw Arnold walking through and he went to Ronnie colemans booth when I was standing there and he was probably 6 foot but not more then that I had always heard he was like 6'2 but he was about the same height over Ronnie as I was.
I was at the Arnold Classic as well. What a circus it was on Saturday. The strongmen were quite the opposite, average weight of 400lbs and 6'5". Brian Shaw is an absolute monster at 440lbs and 6'9". Looks like a total freak. And he dead-lifted 1106 lbs. The body builders are almost always smaller. I chatted with Jay Culter and was blown away how little he is, although his arms are still massive. Was also shocked by how old and small Arnold looked.
I believe his final pull was 1117#. Absolutely amazing. I was kind of surprised though that Hafthor couldn't even get a grand off the ground.
I grew up going to the festival every year through high school and beyond.. My job for the past 4 years has scheduled OT on the weekend of it and I haven't been able to go. Glad to hear it's still a kickass time!

So how much free product is handed out in the expo still? I always loved getting free shit and getting posters signed by the pros.
I'll tell you what was a shocking eye opener, was the number of guys that were pretty clearly on gear, but also pretty clearly fail to train all body parts equally. Massive arms and chest, flat back, and calves the size of my forearms.
There were a lot of people who needed to train and eat correctly but there were also a lot of people that looked unbelievable. As in great. It was a lot of fun and they give out a ton of samples. I probably got 2 months worth of pre workout about a month and a half of protein then random creatine and amino acids enough for a couple weeks at least then some random fat burns and stuff. Then I think I got 6 free shirts and a couple shaker bottles free.
The number of fit and hot looking women there was spectacular! I was seriously drooling the whole day long. All the exhibitions had very hot ladies working their booths, many were former bikini competitors, and they were giving autographs on their glamor shots. Dont even get me started on how hot the WWE women wrestling was.......
Moppy is the only non-homo out of the bunch of you. Hot women all around you and all you can talk about is the guys? Geeze Louise!
