belt for rows ?



I've never once used a belt .......but just the same I was wondering if I should be using one for bent-over rows ?

Nothing too heavy ......315 lbs for 6 reps ....... but keeping good form is paramount (not to mention VERY tough) else the lower back gets fried. And I don't want that happening.
Don't limit your core development by using a belt. If you haven't used one yet, Why start now?
I wear a belt on bent over rows as i am doing this movement not for core strength but for mid and upper back strength. but hey thats me and everybody is different. i did rows yesterday and worked up to 405 for 1 work set then 455 for 1 workset of 5. I only wore a belt on the 455 set. If I dont my lower back tightens up and distacts me from my normal movement on the set. I agree with pipes on a belt hindering core development so i use it sparingly. I normally only wear the belt on my last heavy squat set and rarely wear one on deads cept for the last few weeks before a meet and at a meet. good luck
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I do, i only go up to 315 for 6-8 but i about touch the floor with each rep and don't come up much more than 90 degrees. I use a belt when i go heavy on squats deads and bent rows, and maybe powrer shrugs. This is such an extremely debated topic i will continue to do what feels confortable for me.
yeah its an individual thing. some folks wear um in the shower while others refuse to wear any time. =0)
DONT use the belt!
Use it as little as possible, i go without it in squats and Deadlifts also
I was thinking of using it for my last set on rows (and maybe squats) since there's always a little cheating during those last couple forced reps .......and for rows, that means your lower back is pulling at least 10-20% during those last two reps.

Also, its kinda holding me back since I know I can prob go about 40-50 lbs more on all my lifts, but am hesitant due to the safety issues (esp on the rows).

If the lower back goes, then my next worry will be my form while sitting on the can, not
my lifts
Sucks i have a bad lower back so does everyone on my fathers side... forces me to use the belt for any kind of bent rows...
daan69 said:
Sucks i have a bad lower back so does everyone on my fathers side... forces me to use the belt for any kind of bent rows...
are you tall, everyone i know who is 6'3 or taller has back lower back problems. I don't dick around, thrown my back out enough, And that is my main reason for wearing the belt on rows, those last couple i want to get, and you are cheating a bit. Squats and deads i wear it when i go over 400 lbs.
im 6'2"

Not really tall but tall enough to throw out my back on deadlifts, squats, rows, and anything else that puts your spine in a "L" shape!

Id say use the belt if your prone to back problems... When u F*ck ur back man your out of it for the duration.
I'm 6' 2" as well........ ah well, guess I'll put it off for a little more.

Thanks to all of you for your input.