Best bulking cycle

If you are 18%, then you need to loose some bodyfat before trying to bulk. You can expect to gain at least 2% bf while bulking.(unless you use GH, T3, or DNP)

As far as anabolics go I like Test enanthate @500mg, Dboll @35mg, and Fina @ .75mg. Remember food is the key.
Test should be the foundation of every cycle. Beyond that an anabolic such as deca or equipoise stacks well and many people also stack an oral such as dbol.

I disagree that you need to lose fat before bulking. In fact I recommend the opposite. If you manage to gain 20 lbs. of muscle while bulking, you will have raised your maintenance calories by 700-1000 calories per day. Each additional lb. of lean mass burns an extra 35-50 cals per day at rest. That means it will be much easier for you to shed fat without starving yourself. Therefore I recommend bulking first then cutting.
What is your cycle history???

if this is your first cycle....I'd stick with test/d-bol

awesome gains off of that one
Trevdog said:
Test should be the foundation of every cycle. Beyond that an anabolic such as deca or equipoise stacks well and many people also stack an oral such as dbol.

I disagree that you need to lose fat before bulking. In fact I recommend the opposite. If you manage to gain 20 lbs. of muscle while bulking, you will have raised your maintenance calories by 700-1000 calories per day. Each additional lb. of lean mass burns an extra 35-50 cals per day at rest. That means it will be much easier for you to shed fat without starving yourself. Therefore I recommend bulking first then cutting.

I agree too.....If you hit it hard in the gym plus have a good stack, then your bodyfat should lessen anyway.......If that is your goal...Especially true if your diet is relatively clean...I don't mean depriving yourself either......
I include some T3 in every cycle anyway. It helps to keep fat gains to a minimum if you use it at a low dose when bulking (e.g. 20 mcg. per day) and if you ramp it up to 80-100 mcg. per day it burns fat like nobody's business (especially if you stack it with clenbuterol).
i had my best gains ever on this bulk cycle, full of potential no-nos. Drol/Deca/Test, and once the drol was done, i hit fina to maintain strength. Plus i was eating 5k cals a day, all the drugs in the world wont "bulk" you up if your eating 2000 cals a day.
I would do a test/fina cycle. Because you can still gain some weight and not gain too much fat with the fina. This all depends on your diet too. Good luck
A decent sized test/tren cycle is what you need. Say 500-750mg test and 75mg tren ED. You might not gain 20lbs, but I wouldn't suggest you try. Just eat a good amount of clean food, and bust your ass in the gym and you'll very likely gain muscle and lose fat. Could be anything from gaining 10-15lbs and losing a couple bf% points to staying the same weight but trading off fat for muscle which would make you look a lot bigger anyway.

That's what I did for my first cycle and gaining muscle while losing fat (even if neither is that much) makes a ton of diff in how you look.
Here's what I would do:

Weeks 1-10 Test enanthate at 500 mgs/week
Weeks 1-5 Dbol 30 mgs per day
Weeks 1-11 Arimidex @ .5 mgs EOD

Don't forget all your other necessary stuff, like liver protection, drink lots of water, clomid, and I would use finasteride too.

If you combine this with a high calorie diet you can easily gain 20 pounds as a first cycle. Good luck!
i would start the arimidex after dbol, the water gain is part of the reason dbol works well, cushions joints, adds strength, without the water, you hinder your gains on dbol. Have nolva on hand in case gyno appears, but in all likely hood it wont.
This thread is for newbies looking for cycles for specific goals.

Now before I get started, I have to emphisize that your diet is the key to achieving your goals. All cycles can be turned into a bulking cycle or cutting depending on your food consumption.

*Clomid therapy: 36 pills. 300mg day 1, 100mg next 10, 50mg final 10.

Solid first cycle

Week 1 to 10: 400mg of EQ
Week 1 to 10: 250mg of Test
Week 13 to 15: Clomid Therapy*

This will yield solid results. Depending on diet, training, and genetics, this cycle should yield anywhere form 15-25lbs to a first time gear user

Bulking Cycle # 1

Week 1 to 16: .5mg of arimidex EOD
Week 1 to 6: 30mg of D-bol ED
Week 1 to 10: 600mg of EQ
Week 1 to 10: 750mg of Test
Week 11 to 12: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 20mg of Nolvadex ED
Week 13 to 15: Clomid Therapy*

Bulking Cycle # 2

Week 1 to 5: 50mg of Anadrol ED
Week 1 to 6: 750mg of Test
Week 1 to 10: 400mg of Deca
Week 5 to 6: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 20mg of Nolvadex ED
Week 7 to 12: 75mg of Fina ED
Week 7 to 12: 100mg of Prop ED
Week 7 to 12: 50mg of Winstrol (winny) ED
Week 11 to 12: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 20mg of Nolavadex ED
Week 13 to 15: Clomid Therapy*

Cutting Cycle # 1

Week 1 to 8: 50mg of Prop ED
Week 1 to 8: 75mg of Fina ED
Week 1 to 8: 50mg of Winstrol (winny) ED
Week 1 to 10: 50mg of proviron ED
Week 11 to 12: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with 20mg of Nolvadex ED
Week 13 to 15: Clomid therapy

Cutting Cycle # 2

Week 1 to 16: .5mg of Arimidex EOD
Week 1 to 10: 400mg of EQ
Week 1 to 8: 40mg of Oxandralone ED
Week 4 to 12: 50mg of Prop ED
Week 7 to 12: 50mg of Winstrol (winny) ED
Week 11 to 12: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 20mg of Nolvadex ED
Week 13 to 15: Clomid Therapy*

Lean Mass Cycle

Week 1 to 16: .5mg of Arimidex EOD
Week 1 to 12: 2ius of GH 5 on 2 off
Week 1 to 10: 500mg of Test
Week 1 to 12: 400mg of EQ
Week 7 to 12: 40mg of Oxanadralone
Week 11 to 12: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 20mg of Nolvadex ED
Week 14 to 16: Clomid Therapy*

Basic bridge

Week 1 to 8: 30mg of Oxandralone ED
Week 1 to 8: 10 grams of creatine and 20 grams of glutamine Ed

Experienced Bridge

Week 1 to 8: 10ius of Insulin post workout
Week 1 to 8: 10 grams of creatine and 20 grams of glutamine Ed
Week 1 to 8: 100grams of Dextrose 10 minutes after slin shot
Week 1 to 8: 150grams( 3 shakes) of WPI during active time of slin.

There are many different combination that we can all use in the Iron Game. I have only used a few. These are basic cycles that will work well for many users. I have excluded Deca as I feel its negative effects on a HPTA is esaily avoided with the use of EQ. Some will say Fina will do the same thing, but because its ester works much faster, I believe it is not as suppressive as Deca.

Remember Diet is the key to all cycles. If you dont eat enough, you wont bulk, if you eat to much, you wont cut.

Diet is the key to success in the Iron Game!!

Guys, good luck and be safe!
What a trip..

This is exactly what I'm on right now. Same dosages too and I put this cycle together myself. Interesting. The only difference is that I added 4-6 IU's of HGH ED and 700mg's of Tren along with all the others mentioned below.

Bulking Cycle # 1

Week 1 to 16: .5mg of arimidex EOD
Week 1 to 6: 30mg of D-bol ED
Week 1 to 10: 600mg of EQ
Week 1 to 10: 750mg of Test
Week 11 to 12: 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and 20mg of Nolvadex ED
Week 13 to 15: Clomid Therapy*
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