Best bulking second cycle


New member
So I'm coming close to the end of my 14week cycle of deca and sust 250.

I wanted some ideas or suggestions for my second cycle.
Bita history of first cycle..
So I was a bit under weight for my first cycle, (idiot I know) and I gained 10kgs so far with only a few weeks left. I'm siting at 77kgs now at 5.9. I havnt had any side effects with the gear at all. I have grown in size but km still skinny, I am lifting heavier as well. Bench I'm comfortable with at 154lbs. I pinned twice a week of both also.

What would be the best cycle for myself to blow up in size? Please any questions I'll answer just wanting some advice form you all!
Cheers in advance!!
it would be wise to get on pct when its time and get your natural levels back and get this cycle out of the way. what is your pct? when do you start that? any deca dick issues? hows your libido?
agreed with IMT. what kind of post cycle therapy are you going to run?

what are your macros/calories right now? are you keeping track?

did you run an ai on this cycle?
Can you please lay out your current cycle, you named sust test, and deca, how about an ai, and hcg perhaps?
And yes like the gentlemen asked about, what does your pct look like, compounds, dosages, length of time after cycle before you begin your pct?

it would be best to land this cycle first, and properly recovered and then get into your next cycle plan, just my 2cc's worth. dont chew off more than you can chew my grandma used to say.
Why are you getting greedy and planning out your next cycle when you have not even started pct with your current cycle? you dont even mention an ai which can alter your hormone levels dramatically.

Land this puppy first and get your levels leveled out and proper brotherman.