Best cutting stack???

Because tren kicks ass!!!! Especially when stacked with masteron and prop. And possibly throw some albuterol and a little T3 in the mix, too. Winstrol (winny) is kidstuff compared to tren.

Agreed. Tren is AMAZING. but he is 40 years old and Tren is really harsh. Tren is not needed. actually a prop/masteron cycle is a great simple cheap cutter. OR if funds are available he could through in High dose var(70-100mg ED) and it can be compared to tren from what I hear. I've never ran Var though so I cant back up that statement. a lot of people over a TSC swear by var. I'm just too poor to consider var.
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Agreed. Tren is AMAZING. but he is 40 years old and Tren is really harsh. Tren is not needed. actually a prop/masteron cycle is a great simple cheap cutter. OR if funds are available he could through in High dose var(70-100mg ED) and it can be compared to tren from what I hear. I've never ran Var though so I cant back up that statement. a lot of people over a TSC swear by var. I'm just too poor to consider var.

With prop being the only thing that would cause you to retain water what post cycle therapy (pct) would you suggest with the var and the masteron being somewhat of a anti-estrogen? This is what I am thinking about. prop/proviron/var.