Best gain from a cycle ever?


New member
Not sure if there was already a thread here for your best gain of a cycle and what it was but I was curious. Im currently on 400 test and 300 Deca and Superdrol was to kickstart it. I've put on 23 pounds in 5.5 weeks and I feel great. It's been a semi clean diet also so I don't look bloated. I can see striations and vascularity is very good also. And everything in the gym has went up so far. I'll post my end result when I'm finished. curious your guys best results from what cycle?
my best gain was simply the first time getting on TRT and upping the test does to 250 mg every 5 days. put on 30+ pounds and still maintained 12-13% Bf over 5 months.
second best was coming back from an injury . I had lost a lot of weight and was out of the game for awhile . once back I ran Dbol, Test prop to front load test E, NPP to front load deca, then once the test prop and NPP were done I added in masteron. I put on 26 pounds in 6 weeks.

and I'm a pretty small framed ectomorph build, so those type of weight gains were pretty decent percentage of my total body weight.
Not sure if there was already a thread here for your best gain of a cycle and what it was but I was curious. Im currently on 400 test and 300 Deca and Superdrol was to kickstart it. I've put on 23 pounds in 5.5 weeks and I feel great. It's been a semi clean diet also so I don't look bloated. I can see striations and vascularity is very good also. And everything in the gym has went up so far. I'll post my end result when I'm finished. curious your guys best results from what cycle?

What dose of AI you running? That's a TON of weight for such a small period of time. Probably time for blood work to make sure everything is good to go.

Not discounting your terrific progress, but at 8lbs per gallon of water, it doesn't take much to make that scale start tipping.

I honestly don't know which cycle has been my best. I started out with TRT and a ridiculous amount of fat to lose on top of making up for a great deal of atrophy. I spent three years recomping, which is SUPER slow, and progress outside strength gains is difficult to measure.

I can say that I did put on around 80lbs of lean mass in the last few years, but that's been multiple cycles, while refining diet changes and training approaches.

I will say that SD is my favorite oral, and I truly appreciate the benefits of test/deca/tren/mast in a stack. Just covers all the bases, and makes me chew 45lb plates up and spit rivets out lol. :wiggle:
Holy crapper 5.5 weeks huh. Listen your strength is going up because the AAS is working by 5 weeks ., very common. S

So lets look at this Simple Simon. Do you think a guy, the human body can gain 23 lbs of Lean Muscle Mass in 5-6 weeks. I hope you don't it can't happen. So now I tell you a greater degree of this is water. A lot of water.

I don't care what you say or think your BF% is your are holding water everywhere in your body. I don't care if you have your AI down pat it's water. Just your diet and extra calories won't due this.
So what am I saying you may have gained say a few pounds of MM because of the extra glycogen and nitrogen in your muscles.

That's my take and 0.2 cents. IMHOP I believe if he stopped now he would loose 13 pounds when he's all died out.
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