Best legal fat burner on market ?

I'm not one for fat burners/pre-workouts, good old Ephedrine with some Caffeine does the trick.

I don't get much from fat burners/pre-workouts except for a shitty comedown and anxious feeling... Too much caffeine just doesn't agree with me! Infact I tried one today, it's called Optiburn (only available in Australia AFAIK) and when it kicked in I just had supressed appetite and a mild sense of anxiety which the main effects has now worn off and I am feeling even more anxious... Typical of what caffeine does to me and this shit is loaded with it.

Ofcourse, YMMV.
Just get T3 or EC stack as someone else mentioned.

"fat burners" just wreck your liver, and are not safer. Kind of the same logic of people who are "afraid to inject steroids" yet will take literally any oral steroid thinking it's "healthier".
Yeah the amount of herbal and designer bullshit stuff in these fancy stimulant stacks do more harm than good IMO. If you want fat loss, get T3/Clen or ECA stack with a good diet. If you want muscle, get real AAS (preferably injectables) not prohormones. If you want a real stimulant kick or wake up, have a cup of black coffee and/or some ephedrine.
Yeah the amount of herbal and designer bullshit stuff in these fancy stimulant stacks do more harm than good IMO. If you want fat loss, get T3/Clen or ECA stack with a good diet. If you want muscle, get real AAS (preferably injectables) not prohormones. If you want a real stimulant kick or wake up, have a cup of black coffee and/or some ephedrine.

Unfortunately, u can't run t3 unless u are on AAS.. Or else get ready to loose muscle.
Best -legal- fat burner is diet.

Runner up: exercise (regular weights>cardio), ECA stack is still quasi-legal and not bad but doesn't touch diet for efficacy.

Drugs of varying legality (mostly not legal, or require prescription) like clen, T3, albuterol, T4, tren, DNP can all help of course but don't fit OP's critera.
sorry for piggybacking on a your thread OP but i don't want to make my own thread for something soo miniscule

does anyone know of a appetite suppressant that isnt loaded with stims?
Going super heavy + decent volume on leg day makes me feel so pukey that I can't eat until noon or so...

see i need something for the end of the night because, i take medication that gives me munchies worse then weed, and it seems to always be for junk food...

edit : sooo i'd not like to get all stimmed out before bed.. even tho the seroquel makes me fall asleep so i could take a stimm but i'd rather not be speed balling just to control my appetite lol
I'm in the same boat tbh. Mostly clean throughout the day, macros close to 50p/25c/25f if I had to guess.

I get away with it on cycle but probably need to reign it in now that I'm off - half a litre of icecream at 10:30 right before bed is not optimal for maintenance; great for bulking though.
see i need something for the end of the night because, i take medication that gives me munchies worse then weed, and it seems to always be for junk food...

edit : sooo i'd not like to get all stimmed out before bed.. even tho the seroquel makes me fall asleep so i could take a stimm but i'd rather not be speed balling just to control my appetite lol

I suggest increasing your fiber - try eating plenty of veggies in your final meal (150g+), I can't see any way how you won't feel full.
I'm in the same boat tbh. Mostly clean throughout the day, macros close to 50p/25c/25f if I had to guess.

I get away with it on cycle but probably need to reign it in now that I'm off - half a litre of icecream at 10:30 right before bed is not optimal for maintenance; great for bulking though.

ya, its great when im ON, but i can't be on till i talk to this uro in the beginning of april and most likely get on something to restart my HPTA or get on TRT... 315ng at 25 sucks...

on top of that im also cutting and it just fucks my whole day up and then i get pissed at myself... and its really out of my hands because its the fucking medication not ME that makes me fiend for all the food
see i need something for the end of the night because, i take medication that gives me munchies worse then weed, and it seems to always be for junk food...

edit : sooo i'd not like to get all stimmed out before bed.. even tho the seroquel makes me fall asleep so i could take a stimm but i'd rather not be speed balling just to control my appetite lol

I'm not one for fat burners/pre-workouts, good old Ephedrine with some Caffeine does the trick.

I don't get much from fat burners/pre-workouts except for a shitty comedown and anxious feeling... Too much caffeine just doesn't agree with me! Infact I tried one today, it's called Optiburn (only available in Australia AFAIK) and when it kicked in I just had supressed appetite and a mild sense of anxiety which the main effects has now worn off and I am feeling even more anxious... Typical of what caffeine does to me and this shit is loaded with it.

Ofcourse, YMMV.

Yes I love that mix as well. I also throw in a sle aspirin and it seems to work even better. Learned that from Bill Phillips lol. I look all over and cant seem to find ephedrine anywhere ! Really wish I could !
I am not on cycle right now, actually on pct so t-3 is not an option. Thinking hard bout clen. Thinking bout running it two weeks on and two weeks off. What do you guys think bout running a OTC fat burner during the two weeks off the clen. Something like clen for two weeks, OTC burner for two weeks then back on the clen and do this for bout two months ?
Save your money on the OTC fat burner. Either get ephedrine (bronkaid? in the states i think) or give your body a rest during the two weeks off - maybe drop your carbs or total calories 5-10% when no clen in the picture

Or spend the clen money talking to 3J who probably can provide better results per dollar.
Save your money on the OTC fat burner. Either get ephedrine (bronkaid? in the states i think) or give your body a rest during the two weeks off - maybe drop your carbs or total calories 5-10% when no clen in the picture

Or spend the clen money talking to 3J who probably can provide better results per dollar.

Thanks for the help bro. Going to se if I can get this tmrw.