Best Nightime Snack?


New member
i usually go to bed around 1 or 2 in the mourning, i am too poor for any supplements any more because of my hefty food bill of chicken, egg whites, bla bla bla. so what do you guys think is the best thing to eat b4 sleep?
i went to the 7-11 and said i wanted some "bla bla bla" cuz you made it sound so good and the clerk with the towel on his head told me to go f*ck myself :(
you best bet for a casein protein(slowest absorbing) before bed is cottage cheese and some form of EFA's, ex: flaxoil.
I also enjoy making a large egg white omlet,(minus the cheese but tons of grilled vegges). Keep carbs to a minimum, only fiberous veggies,protein and EFA's.
atherjen said:
you best bet for a casein protein(slowest absorbing) before bed is cottage cheese and some form of EFA's, ex: flaxoil.
I also enjoy making a large egg white omlet,(minus the cheese but tons of grilled vegges). Keep carbs to a minimum, only fiberous veggies,protein and EFA's.

I do the omelette as well Jen. :)
Or if you're too lazy to do the omelette, just make sure you have some hard boiled eggs on hand to snack on. Or as Jen said, cottage cheese works as well. I don't really like cottage cheese so I'll stick with the eggs.
Fyre said:
I do the omelette as well Jen. :)
Or if you're too lazy to do the omelette, just make sure you have some hard boiled eggs on hand to snack on. Or as Jen said, cottage cheese works as well. I don't really like cottage cheese so I'll stick with the eggs.
hey im hooked on kraft shredded fat free cheddar cheese = o fat 2 carbs and 9 protein grams per 1/4 cup , its good stuff in a omelette:)
Basically you just want to keep your carb, trans fat and saturated fat intake very low while keeping your protein intake high before bed. Any kind of lean meats, egg whites mixed with a small amount of yolk, cottage cheese, or any of those mixed with small amounts of fish oil, flax oil, olive oil, or natural peanut butter.

Personally my favorite before bed meal is lean steak sirloin that's been well-tenderized. Very tasty.
As with the protein in fruits, vegetables and beans, the protein in peanuts has an incomplete amino acid profile and is therefore of rather low quality in of itself. It's better to use it for its digestion slowing/GI reducing properties or as a general energy source rather than a primary component for your protein needs.
I think thi sworks best:

30 grams of a Whey casien belnd
15 grams of glutamine peptides
5 grams of creatine
1 table spoon EFA's
I've been taking PM fuel by is a slow release casein based protein......Ive seen great gains since i have been taking it b4 bed!!!
also some peanuts or some beef jerky is good
Tryin2BSwoLL said:
I've been taking PM fuel by is a slow release casein based protein......Ive seen great gains since i have been taking it b4 bed!!!
also some peanuts or some beef jerky is good

Does that stuff taste good :confused:
I eat a tub of Queso fresco (creme freche in english I think?) before hitting the sack. In 100g, you get 8.4g protein, 3.0g carb and 0% fat!! Just add a scoop of a flavoured yogurt (strawberry's my choice), mix it in and guzzle it down. Id much prefer something sweeter to eat before going to bed than bland cottage cheese.
OMEGA said:
I think thi sworks best:

30 grams of a Whey casien belnd
15 grams of glutamine peptides
5 grams of creatine
1 table spoon EFA's

looks good. I do the same but with cottage cheese rather than the shake.
but I also dont take creatine before bed... whats your reasoning behind this taken at this time?