Best Nightime Snack?

I eat a tub of Queso fresco (creme freche in english I think?) before hitting the sack. In 100g, you get 8.4g protein, 3.0g carb and 0% fat!! Just add a scoop of a flavoured yogurt (strawberry's my choice), mix it in and guzzle it down. Id much prefer something sweeter to eat before going to bed than bland cottage cheese.
Because the protein in the cheese digests way slower than the protein in the tuna.Before you go to bed you want a slow digesting protein(casein) so that the protein is released longer into your sleep and you will not be as catabolic as you were if you had that can of tuna.
I try not eat! Force me self not to. :bash: I've got this thing about trying not to eat past 8-9pm (3hrs before I go to sleep) for fear of it turning to BF (unless I'm up late, then I'll snack about 10). Finicky, I know! Although I often succumb, if hungry enough!

This surprises me that people eat before they go to sleep! Is it better to eat or not? Boiled eggs i could handle!:)

For the people who eat Cottage Cheese.. what d'ya eat it with? Surely not on it's own! :eek:
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