Best over the counter pct

don't do it look around this website, maybe the top corner. These are reliable places that will help you out hassle free!

I can tell you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE i took H-drol , known for being mild. Really fucked me up with some problems by thinking a otc pct would help. Lost all my gains on top of the shit. DMZ is the next best thing man, some strong shit. Its the same thing as steroids brah, just in a pill. Best of luck
None. Look up, RUI offers a full selection of SERMs. Get one, don't get bitch tits, simple as that.
How bad did it fuck ya up and how long were you until you recovered? i had a shitty otc PCT too and I finished it 2 months ago...Still having problems. It has gotten a lot better in the past month though but my libido still flucuates. My doc says it will alll be okay over time
How bad did it fuck ya up and how long were you until you recovered? i had a shitty otc PCT too and I finished it 2 months ago...Still having problems. It has gotten a lot better in the past month though but my libido still flucuates. My doc says it will alll be okay over time

3 months of lethargy, no sex drive ... NONE. you don't want a limp dick man it sucks .. srs. The worst is losing all of the hardwork you put in with the cycle. You would be better off eating right and training hard than taking a PH without the post cycle therapy (pct). the goal is to keep your gains, not get big for a total of 1 week ( last week of your cycle) and quit..
Yep it's almost been 3 months for me of no sex drive...this month it has been on and off which is a sign on improvement. Really sucks man at least I'm not the only one. I'm natural fromm hear on out
Do you have any advice on things to help kick my system back? I'm tired of this kinda horny for a few days...nothing for a week or so...I'm guessing time is gonna be my best freind
I bought clomid from RUI, came like in a week. I'm currently on cycle but will try it in about 4 weeks.
rui eh? do you have personal experience from them bigpapa? i hear peeps talkin bout em.

I had the same problem after a cycle of PH. Being the young, naïve, inexperienced guy, I listened to the stupid morons at the local supp store. After having no libido, and having a limp dick, I got online and did some looking around. I ended up getting a bottle of Tamox from RUI and magically things started working again shortly. Now, I research anything before putting it in my body. Having a limp dick in your early 20's is kind of a scary experience!!!
I'm nwe to the forum. I'm guessing RUI is an abbreviated name for a website? I typed RUI in the search and nothing came up, could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.