Best per workout sup and or drink ?


New member
I use to take a high cal protein shake 45mins before workout and a cup of black coffee 20 min before workout. I was told I'm pron getting to many cals and protein in my diet and that I could make a better choice for a pre workout drink/meal. Please five me your opinion or what you do for your pre workout drink/meal. Thanks guys.
Well, for my meal - it's breakfast which is either a big whey shake with oats and two slices of wheat toast or 6 eggs and 4 slices of toast with my cialis and other supps. As far as my PWO goes, I've been really enjoying N2KTS; but as they no longer make it, I'm probably going to go back to a synephrine based mix until I find a winner. I really liked PMD's Pump Fuel Insanity, but the stuff is kinda pricy.

Oh, and if you see anything that claims to have 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine in it as a HUGE stim boost - it's just caffeine. ;)
Thanks bro. Yeah I really want to look into one of those pow drinks with all the hype behind it but to be honest I know nothing about what's out there and what's good. Looking for opinions on those drinks. Also need to up my carbs.
PNI Prodigy (25 Servings) crazy pumps and wicked energy brother. for me if I hit before I go lift it's small like some form of nuts, small chicken breast, tuna. I don't like lifting when just eating much.

I use to take a high cal protein shake 45mins before workout and a cup of black coffee 20 min before workout. I was told I'm pron getting to many cals and protein in my diet and that I could make a better choice for a pre workout drink/meal. Please five me your opinion or what you do for your pre workout drink/meal. Thanks guys.
Manski it all depends on your diet and vitals in the first place. I normally have good bp so when I used prodigy and msten I had no issues with bp. You will want to keep an eye on anything when your combining. But yeah the prodigy is wicked good stuff. I have had several friends at the gym hooked on it.
I have cottage cheese and oats 2 hours pre and craze or Dmma jack3d 30 mins pre or my own pre workout mixture depends how I'm feeling, also love hemavol Colbert but so expensive!
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