best post cycle therapy (pct) to use


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best pct to use

Ok so I've been hearin the nolva is great, clomid is ok and torem. Is also great for pct usage...I'm trying to figure out the proper pct I will be using...what I found suprising is the benefit of clomid and the stimulation of your testes after cycle while nolva does not do this...I have also heard that nolva is better for gyno which is not a huge concern of mine but will be taken into consideration(not prone to it)...what I'm more concerned about is the best drug for keeping myself healthy and getting my natty test as soon as possible after my cycle is done with. This is what I will be running...

Week 1-10 (400mg) test e, 1 injection every 4 days at 200mg
Week 1-4 (20mg-30mg) test e ED
A-Dex .25 EOD or .5 EOD if needed
Nolva on hand if needed during cycle

Thanks for the input guys.
IMO. Torem is best, then clomid, then nolva. Torem has benifits the others don't and I never have sides from it. Nolva is the weakest of the three for pct and nolva blocks gyno at the receptor but we have AI's to deal with estro so it's not needed for that.
Ok man that's what I've been reading its good for some confirmation on thast...torem is lookin good
I like the classic clomid and nolva, but I have been hearing more and more good things about torem for pct. I think its whatever works best for you.
Did you use clomid and nolva together or seperate? I've seen some people stack them together
I've used them separate and together and still prefer torem. But everyone is different, I just never hear anyone say they don't like torem.
That's true. I have yet to hear negative reviews bout torem. I have not tried clomid cuz of the vision sides I have heard bout. I probably wouldn't even experience those sides but it just worries me for some reason. I recovered just fine from last cycle with nolva only at 40/40/20/20/10. But this time I'm gona try the 100mcg dose of Trip w/ nolva along side. I'm surprised User hasn't mentioned Trip. It's apperAntly something new but seems very promising and worth a try I think.
I personally haven't used trip yet but all I have found is it's the shit. If you use it post a review on your experience.
Ya eveything I've heard about torem is all positive..the only thing I've heard otherwise is that they prefer clomid or nolva without a real reason..personal preference for those I guess...torem looks great tho I think ill be running that this time around
Most people chose those because they have been around forever and that's what people have always used. They do work. But I don't get sides with torem and recover quick with a good libido.
Ok I'm gonna run torem...I've heard enough good stuff about it to try it out..seems like a great pct
I hear some recommend using daily 20mg of Nolvadex as an anti-estrogen throughout their Test E cycle and for PCT three weeks of Clomid. What do you all think of using Nolvadex during a Test E cycle? Recommend it or no?
I hear some recommend using daily 20mg of Nolvadex as an anti-estrogen throughout their Test E cycle and for PCT three weeks of Clomid. What do you all think of using Nolvadex during a Test E cycle? Recommend it or no?

thats what an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is for .. no point in running nolva during cycle IMO. nolva does not reduce estro!

you should have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand regardless in all cycles.

"Anti estrogen. I personally take nolva though out the whole cycle @ 20mg."

DocJ seems to differ with you Joei. Does anyone recommend using a Aromatise Inhibitor during a cycle? Should AI's always be post cycle?
Use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Preferably aromisin. That info is old and AI's are readily available these days. Nolva will prevent gyno by blocking estro at the receptor but does bother to actually lower estro so if you have estro sides,ie gyno, bloat, etc, nolva will do nothing but prevent the gyno. Estro is needed but needs to be kept at a reasonable level.

I suggest having an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand and using only if needed. If bloat is a concern, adjust your diet and run a low dose AI.
Yes exactly what User says - Aromasin would be the preferred choice - and only if needed throughout the cycle...

However - run it thru the duration of your pct.