best prohormones?

Gotta really be on top of this stuff...seems like as soon as we figure out how good something is, so does the FDA, then...POOF...GONE! Most can still be found in limited supply, but can no longer be purchased "legally".
Version 2.0 and 3.0 aren't even made by the same company.. LOL
Wet? DMZ, M-sten and Alpha One shouldn't be wet, but that combo is "unnecessary", IMO
You get to a point where your body can only respond to a certain point and there comes a point where you're adding so much that it only adds to toxicity but there aren't really any further gains to be had. There's such a thing as "too much", and more is not always "better"
Bootstomper I get what you're saying and totally agree, but Super DMZ 3.0 is dosed at 10mg/compound, so each dose is a total of 30mg. Don't know if that's necessarily overkill. Dymethazine (10mg)is basically Masteron , Methylstenbolone (10mg)is compaired mg to mg with Anadrol and D-bol, but doesn't aromatize, and Alpha-1 (10mg) is a methylated version of 1-AD that converts to Methyl 1-Teststerone which also doesn't aromatize. None of these compounds are "wet", however my concern would be hepatotoxicity...def want to run some TUDCA here for liver care. Now I look at it like this, if you were to run each of the comparable compounds separately (and I have) you'd be dosing Masteron @50-100mg/d, Anadrol @50-100mg/d or D-bol @40mg/d, and Methyl 1-Test @20-40mg/d. So by comparison I'd say if anything, SuperDMZ 3.0 is actually underdosed. Many users report good results from 2 doses (60mg)/d. Definitely curious, but not enough to throw away $60. I'd log it for them if they sent me a free bottle, otherwise without more positive feedback, I think I'm going to leave this one alone.
The best prohormone or prohormones? Some people have listed multi compounds others single. All are great, but it depends on what you are looking for. Helladrol is good for your goal as is any halodrol supplement like Halocor by pharmatec. Epistane specifically epi 2a3a is a great cutter as well. Some people stack epi and halo together and get real nice results. If you can be more specific we could probably give you a more refined answer. Hope this helps.

Increased strength, muscle hardening, lean clean mass. Decreased body fat is always a bonus, especially with summer coming, but cutting isn't my main priority. I'm looking for a potent stack that will give me "dry gains", or at least one that can be kept in check with the right cycle support. Don't want to break the piggy bank to pay for it either! Let me give you an example of a past AAS cycle that was GANGBUSTERS!...set me up with PH's that will match this and you'll have a loyal new customer.

D-bol: 40mg/d wks 1-4
Test-E: 250mg/e3d wks 1-10
Tren Acetate: 75mg/d wks 6-13
Winstrol: 50mg/d wks 8-13
Arimadex: .5mg/d wks 2-13
HCG: 250IU/e3d wks 2-13
Clomid: 50mg/d wks 14-17
Nolvadex: 20mg/d wks 14-17
MuscleTest (booster): wks 16-19
IGF-1 LR3: 60mcg/eod PWO wks 19-22
Ok I gotcha. The VL Hard Muscle Stack is the one I think is best for your goals.
This stack has Epi 2a3a and Halo-V by Vital Labs. Both solid prohormones and that have great reviews and reputations. Don't want to chance it on this stack, get the good stuff.
You can expect lean hard muscle gains as well as strength increases. Epi will help reduce estrogen, add lean gains and halodrol will harden the muscle and add strength. You will cut body fat and increase lean dense muscle mass.
Run it with a good on cycle like Blockade by Assault. Take it with Fish oil, a joint supplement and finish with a good pct and test booster.

Link: VL Hard Muscle Stack Halodrol Epistane Prohormone Stack

Plus I'll make sure to give you some goodies with your order so make sure your taken care of. Please email as soon as you place your order with your order number so I can grab it and add the goodies.

Dosing on this stack can be done epi (mgs) 20/30/40/40 & HALO 50/50/75/75. Or a variation depending on how you are responding and how you feel.

For PCT I would recommend PCT3X by Vital Labs combined with DAA Max.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have questions etc.

Think you read my mind brother! After the last post, I checked out your store and added every one of those products to my cart. I was also thinking about adding a low dose of Methylstenbolone, maybe 8mg/d. I had a good run a few yrs. ago on superdrol/halodrol/epistane, but I was using Phantom Labs Phreak, and IMO that stuff was dosed wrong...heavy on the S-Drol (30mg), light on the H-Drol (50mg). The cycle gave me decent dry size and strength gains, however my PCT was weak and this stuff shut me down hard!...Wasn't able to maintain strength. Live and learn I guess. I'm thinking this time around 75mg H-Drol, 30mg Epi, 8mg M-Sten. What do you think? BTW, I'm currently running a SARM (Ostarine MK-2866) @33mg/d, GHRP-2 & Mod GRF-129 @100mcg each 3X/d and IGF-1 LR3 @40mcg PWO/eod. Planning to drop the SARM and replace w/PH's. Seems like a good fit.
Nobody mentioned Ironmaglabs Super DMZ Rx 3.0. Heard a lot of buzz about what a powerfull stack it was supposed to be a few months ago. Did it turn out to be a dud? Anyone tried it?

It's a triple heavy methyl stack at low doses. The only compound in it that is a good dose is m-sten, dmz is low and alpha 1 is low.

It's a wet ph. I wouldn't want to run it. Gyno risks are high.

It's not wet at all, none of the three compounds aromatize. There may be bloat but thats not the same as being wet, and there are 0 chances of gyno from the hormones in it.

Thnx Gymrat. People are claiming that it's equall in strength to oral AAS compounds like Anadrol and D-bol, but with dry gains...thought it sounded too good to be true! If that were the case, I'm sure we'd be hearing a lot more about it. What PH stack produces REAL clean strength gains? It's been a few yrs. since I ran a PH. Saw pretty good results from Phantom Labs Phreak (superdrol/halodrol). This stuff was the real deal, but as with any real effective PH, the good ones don't last. With an ever changing market, and soooo many new products, I'm a little confused. Looking to the wisdom and experience of the forum before blowing my hard earned cheddar on bunk. Thoughts?

There are single designer steroids which rival the strengths of the illegal orals you don't need a triple methyl stack.

ran the last version 2.0 got good results heard the 3.0 is a little weaker
they keep banning stuff in it every new version

SDMZ 3.0 is SDMZ 2.0 + 10mg of alpha 1 per pill.

Version 2.0 and 3.0 aren't even made by the same company.. LOL
Wet? DMZ, M-sten and Alpha One shouldn't be wet, but that combo is "unnecessary", IMO
You get to a point where your body can only respond to a certain point and there comes a point where you're adding so much that it only adds to toxicity but there aren't really any further gains to be had. There's such a thing as "too much", and more is not always "better"

Actually IronMagLabs and Blackstone Labs are sister companies, for all essential purposes they are the same company.